It's so lush Jess, I'll attach one of mine on here as I've not stuck in on Facebook yet (not sure why).
I'll tell you our engagement story on here
Around November time we were talking about moving in together but whether we could afford it etc etc - plus Rob works in Gorleston and I'm in Norwich (distance of about 20 miles, fine if you drive, but he doesn't) so we said when my tenancy was up we'd look for somewhere together. At the time we were going out quite a bit as we had some surplus money (oh how I'd wish for that now) and one day after drinking a bit too much we were wandering back and passed an antique jewellers near my flat.
I started saying about how I've never wanted to have a traditional engagement ring (not because I don't like them, but because I'm strange

) or a traditional wedding. I'm not sure where it had come from, we'd discussed marriage before but when we first met Rob was absolutely adamant he would never get married, so I never thought he would seriously consider it. Then he just said "Which one do you like" and I laughed and pointed out the most ostentacious one I could find and he said "If you want it, we'll get it" - I remarked that it looked very engagement like and he said "So?" - I thought he was just saying "Well, it doesn't have to be an engagement ring".
I turned round at that point and said "Yeah, like we're ever going to get engaged" and he laughed - I was feeling a bit hurt in a wounded pride sort of way and then he said "You idiot, I'm asking you to marry me"

The shop was shut at that point and the "proper" rings were not out on display anyway - so I said "What the hell do we do now?" and he said "Tomorrow we shop for rings"
Tomorrow came and I got up extra early not really thinking he meant it, but when we walked into town to get the paper he said "So where do you want to look" :flirt2: We walked around for hours, checking each shop twice, stopped off to look online, couldn't find anything I liked, and then went back to the original shop we'd seen the first (wrong) ring in. There was the most beautiful art deco antique aquamarine ring, and the best thing about it was it was pretty cheap!
Rob saw my eyes light up and said "Yep, that's the one" and we went inside - had it sized up (it was too small initially, so had to have it extended) and Rob paid for it - was told it would be about a week to wait.
They rang us 5 days later and said it was ready, so we donned out best clothes, picked up the ring, went out for lunch and then to the pub where Rob first told me he loved me. We got a drink, it was real quiet and then I said "Oh let me try the ring on" - I was desperate - it was burning a hole in his coat pocket!
Rob got the ring out and said "I have wanted to marry you ever since I spent the first night with you"

And I got a bit teary, then he told me how much he loved me and wanted to be my husband and would I be his wife? There was no bended knee (just as well as it was chuffing cold on the ground) and I said yes and then we went and got drunk on cocktails!
Here is the ring