Thank you everyone! I have enjoyed hearing everyone's festival tales, except Charly's

I'm sure I will have a blast, I will be in good company and just have to let go. I need to chillax.
Thanks for that Nik, can't have poop in my diary!

Hannah, I am aiming for a constant state of mild intoxication. I'm sure being wrecked won't be much fun in a tent (though of course I'm taking a blow up bed, I can't sleep on the
floor, now, can I?). Doubt I can afford it anyway, bloody prices! I have to keep an eye on that man of mine though as he's a ralpher. He doesn't plan to drink much but he is highly influenced by peer pressure, hehe. I keep telling him to take some gin as he always drinks too many beers and the quantity of liquid is what makes him ralph, me thinks. Won't listen to me though, he says "I can't drink that many beers so it will stop me getting too drunk." Funny that, didn't seem to stop him last Halloween when I had to guide us back to a random hotel in Brighton. Fun morning! Everytime he's with his boss he gets rat-arsed
Anyway, I've got a little Sonisphere play list going on my Spotify, getting very excited now. I'm most excited about Pendulum cos I can have a proper little boogie to that rather than just jumping up and down or bobbing my head. I'm debating over whether to take a bit of make-up, I think I will. It's a bit stupid as I'll stink and have greasy hair by day 2 but I feel self conscious in public without a bit of slap on. Adam's going down the "take a little as freakin possible" route. I said we should buy him a thin waterproof jacket or waterproof poncho as there will be showers and it's not really hot this weekend, but nooo, too much to carry. He'll just whinge when he's wet and cold.