Toms and queens are generally not too bad together i find. I've often babysat friends pets and the problem is usually territorial which is always between toms or queens and not really a mix. You mightve found Bailey and Cassi got on better than you thought!
its done now though, so bet you're looking forward to getting her back asapx
Been to support mumma k and nikki on the race for life. Now back at kals, she's washing off the race then we're going out. They both did very well, doing it in 58 minutes. I didn't want to do it as at my age I should be able to run 5k easy but I doubt I could even run 1k. I am going to start running with Adam when we move (who said today he might join minis), we've
made a pact. My friends are all running 5k or 10k and i really need to get fitter! We are all going to run the whole thing next year
Nikki looks fantastic, really slim. Even mr hog said, when we went off while they jogged, "I don't know why she calls herself an elephant, she's not fat at all". I'd like to see her again but in a different settingand with the munchkin. Very lovely you are nik!
When you say you can take lactase before a meal what form does this come in?? Ive never heard of it before.
I once thought about trying soya milk but it says you cant put it into hot have to let it cool down before you add the milk??
Good luck with finding out if that is whats causing the tummy aches etc x
Mumma K and Nikki did so well didn't they?!
Glad you were there to cheer them on.
Nikster has already made the executive decision that the Scottish Minimates have to do it with them next year & me and Linz are up for that, although we will be demanding alcohol afterwards - just to be sociable of course![]()