Just to let you know, I'm not dead. I've still been reading etc, just not really in the mood for posting for some reason. I'm not worried about moving really, it's one day and it's mostly just furniture. We have one or two big boxes with stuff in, so will find the kettle really easily, but there will be no tea

No bother for me though! I'll be all settled in Monday night, but with no sofas and no internet :'( BT aren't connecting the phone line until the 1st September, then will have to wait for the internet proceedings. Plus the internet will only be 512kbps at most which makes me very sad. I hope I can still game at the same time as Adam! The sofas and coffee/lamp tables from DFS will arrive Wednesday, so we'll be watching TV in our camping chairs until then
I've been applying for jobs since last Tuesday but not heard anything at all yet. I think once I've moved and have had an appointment with an agency (got one Tuesday, 4pm), they will hopefully find me a job. Any old job will do for now! I just want some money.
I'm really looking forward to losing weight. I've been looking at lots of old pictures, and there are some pictures where I'm not slim but I still look alright (no fat face) so although I've got a long way to go to goal, I don't think I have to lose loads until I start looking much better. I just look so much like a heffa, I hate catching sight of my reflection in windows, etc. Fat face, fat arms, fat everything. I really do not carry weight well. At 13 stone ish, I'm not quite obese but I just look so bad for it! Anyway, I'm hoping for a couple of stone off by Christmas, if not more. I know most people like to be slim in summer, but I like to be slim in winter. I like the skinny jeans, boots, snuggly jumper look!
Went to London yesterday. Adam had a meeting so I went in with him, had lunch with him and my friend Hen. It was sort of a Subway for burritos, it was amazing. You pick your size, your meat, your filling and extras. I had steak with spanish rice, pinto beans, peppers with gucamole and sour cream. I couldn't eat it all though, gave Adam the rest (even though I had a medium and he had a large

). Hen's office was near the Tate Modern, so we had a look around that. I truly hate modern art, anyone could do it, it's all about the BS they talk about it. Some of it is ok, talented but just not my taste at all, but I hate the stuff anyone could do. My friend did an art degree and we went to the final exhibition. Hers was good, photography of her sister dressed up and posing like different family members. She got a 2:1. Someone else there licked a wall, once a day, and got a first! How worthless. Once Adam went off to his meeting I went down to the Tate Britain. The art was amazing, it makes me sick with envy. After that I went to the cafe and had a pot of tea, a packet of crisps and a slice of choccy cake. Didn't finish the cake, it was too rich but it was so nice just sitting by myself. Adam always gets restless and cannot just sit somewhere for very long. I also had a really good look at all the art and read the descriptions, it was really interesting. I only saw the old stuff, I need to go back and look and the rest! I feel a bit ill now, sore throat and chesty feeling.. always feel a bit bleurgh after being on the tube. Plus my hair is reeeally greasy from the tube wind. I couldn't work in London. We went to place called Bodeans for dinner and had a meat platter for 2. So much delicious meat!
So lovelies, I am going to continue my job hunt now, after some noms. I'm off to mummy's for the weekend, seeing friends that have been travelling on Friday night, wedding Saturday night then have to come back Sunday morning to pick up the van

I was hoping to spend time with my mum, but can't now. I may be on again before I leave, but if not I will still post on my iPhone, but I don't know if I'll be able to do much posting on other diaries as it's really tedious and slow.