Hi everyone! Thanks for popping in even tho I'm neglecting diaries. Turns out there is no phone line, it seems, as there is no dial tone. When we viewed the house the guy had a modem flashing, and BT don't usually cancel lines unless they've been unused 6 months so WTF! They will get an earfull later.
No tv! Not even channels 1,2,3,4. By sure if it's our cable or the aerial. We'll get sky, but apparently that doesn't work without a phone line! I can see bt ruining my life
No 3G but my internet is workig off my phone signal, but that's quite slow.
Sooo many spiders I actually cried.at least one in every corner in each room and lots around windows etc. I think there won't usually be that many, the old tenants just seem like dirty ******* who don't know what a duster is! Apart from one big btard they are all tiny bodied, spindly leg types. I have raided the crap out the house, need to go check cassi is still alive and not poisoned
Adam has been my hero and killed many spiders. Got to ed at 22 today and place still not unpacked. Lots to do today! It's a lovely day for it, tho that woke me up early as we have no curtains
Cassi was half nervous when she came in and half sticking face in everything. She was exploring until we made a bang or something then would hide. Seems fine now and is loving us again.