I have a small hyphema where blood pools in your eye or something. It can be serious but mine's not, it's only little, can't even see it with naked eye. I'm not supposed to cover it so no pirate patch for me unfortunately
I weighed myself this morning and was 0.6lb less than yesterday. I cannot believe it! Ok, this is what I ate yesterday, I will have to guess points as I wasn't weighing or anything:
Thick piece of bread cut off a round loaf with butterspread x 2. (6?)
3 chocolate fingers (3?)
Maryland cookie - (2?)
Small jacket potato, cheese, coleslaw, beans, butter - (9)
Mini yule log - (4?)
Juice - (1)
Watermelon - (1)
Wotsits - (1)
Ripple - (4)
Malteasers - (2)
Piece of cheese - (4)
2 pieces of toblerone - (2?)
Small portion of chips with mayo (8)
Falafel pitta with tzatiki - (6)
Satsuma - just one, counting as 0.
53 points! I don't even know how I ate that much. Just goes to show how well my body responds to exercise (I was cutting down trees for hours.. It was 0.5 degrees out and I was down to my bottom layer because I was so hot.. was knackering). I need to do more. Anyway, after today I'm going to start pointing again, because obviously I don't have much self control