Wow missus, your team member is proud of youWell done on sticking to it x
yeah i think yog. i am back 100% tomorrow. have been good since new year but couldnt say 100%. you have done great
Yep, I'm struggling big time. I am so jealous of you at the mo (but proud too!)
Being so good! I only had 2 points left and really wanted chocolate, but my only chocolate bars are 3.5. I got Adam to drive me 2 miles to get some dark chocolate, but there wasn't any. Instead I found these gorgeous mini thornton chocolate brownies for 1 point each. I managed to only have 2. After last month I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to get back to it properly so I'm very happy that I have
Oh but back to work tomorrowThen back to college Tuesday.
I am one of the getting back to it strugglers I'm afraid....there's still chocolate in this house and every cupboard I open its staring at me - pitifully wanting me to eat it - and of course, being so kind, I oblige.