Still doing it. Whoo
Half term this week so worked/working extra. Monday, Tues, Thurs, Fri. I also come home knackered because it's so busy you have to practically run from one end of the store to the other non stop. Hate school holidays! I'm very glad for the extra money though

They also keep making me train new people. They have this thing in McDonalds called "training squad". I'm not in it and I'm not in the group of people training to become training squad this year. There are people from training squad on shift with me yet I'm doing it?! It wouldn't bother me but when you become training squad your wage goes up so they're getting paid extra for what I'm doing! I keep banging my head on metal things too which sucks! Plus I'm sick of smelling of grease and having hat hair

Moan moan moan, I can't help it, work puts me in a bad mood.
Day off tomorrow *happy sigh* Get to spend it with my lovely Adam. Still very happy after 6 years.
There was a video posted on YouTube of some guy throwing his cat against the wall, beating it up then turning the shower on it. He was wearing a balaclava (sp?) but people of certain websites/groups did detective work and found his name, address, phone number, school, everything. He's now been arrested and the cat has been taken away. Man, I love teh intawebs :heartpump: Such a sad video though, the cat was screaming and just took it, didn't fight back at all :cry: