Sorry I have been AWOL! Things have been hectic.
Well, I'm off the diet again. I did really well with my restart until I went to my mum's for the weekend.. then it went to pot. I'm just going to have a break until after Scotland then start again. I'm going to get rid off all my previous losses and start afresh.
I won the lottery at the weekend! I got 5 numbers which was £2107. Splitting it with Adam and leaving a bit in the joint account so £1000 each. I'm buying a new PC, spending some on Scotland and buying some new clothes

It came at the right time, I thought Scotland was going to be a budget affair. It's funny because I went into a local supermarket called Bowketts and bought some food for dinner and asked for 2 lucky dips. She printed them out and said "you'll have to pay for these seperately" which I said ok to. What she actually meant was with money which I didn't have so I just left it. Went into Spar, checked that they took card for the lottery and bought 2 more lucky dips. Then I won, whoo! Thank you Bowketts for not taking card

I also didn't look at the ticket and just before check I said to Adam, "God, look at these numbers! 1, 6, 30, 32, 33, 44!" to which he replied "got as much chance of winning as any others!"
Also, went to Crufts on Friday. That was fun

Still don't know what breed of dog I want, but I don't have to worry about that for a good while yet. Plus my brother had another baby on the Saturday. Newborn babies are so ugly, I don't know why people feel the need to lie about how beautiful they are. This one had a scabby head, red spots all over her face, eyes screwed shut and bottom lip sucked in. My older niece is much cuter now. I swing her around and say "Again?" and she says "Yeah!". Only word she can really say
Still got lots of college work, booooo. Not long 'til the year's over though. Also been roped in to doing one weekend a shift a month at work because I'm too damn good

There aren't enough good people there. Plus doing a few Wednesdays at Adam's company doing data entry which I don't mind as it's £10 an hour. Busy busy busy!