Well I was actually very good on Saturday! Did everything I planned. I wasn't really impressed with the veggi pizza though and it was sooo messy I think next time (if there is a next time! I got such a bad tummy, but I always forget

) I'll just go for a cheese and tomato + single pepperoni, maybe with low fat cheese. Much better than double cheese, double pepperoni.
However, haven't had a good day today

I felt a bit hungover and I didn't really plan for it so went out for a cooked breakfast, plus have eaten 3 big cookies, crisps and a cheese and onion chutney sammich. I actually did put more crap in the basket but took it out before checkout

I'm not too disheartened, I knew it would be hard to get back into it and I'm pleased I've done it. I'll get straight back into it tomorrow. Still hoping for a small loss tomorrow. Now I need to make sure I have cooked breakfasts food ready next time I drink! We've said we don't want to drink again, it's not worth it

We'll see how long it lasts this time. Cocktails don't count
Got my mum coming down next weekend and my best friend and her boyfriend the weekend after! It's always something, pfft. I might try go for the healthier options instead of saving a billion points and pigging out. I was constantly starving last week and all that food made me ill Saturday.