I have a feeling I have put on too, but then, I was eating like a pig...!
Maybe it was just a blip, environmental factors and whatnot. Hopefully the scales are fixed for friday!
The break in Devon sounds lovely, I would love that, with the fairy lights and stuff! Something nice to look forward to!!
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it
That sounds really nice

7 years? That's aaaages
See, I tend to gain on holiday, but that's just the sort of holidays I go on

I've only STSed once, and that was when I went on holiday with Jon's family - all walking around Scotland
I'm hoping I don't anyway. Watch me put it ALL back on now

I'm already eyeing up the beef wellington in the local pub and I've found the best cream teas and runner up best chippy in north devon. I am food obsessed! Plus I plan on drinking my champagne that's been hanging around since my 21st.
God damn I love food <3
Hot tub with fairy lights - oooooh!
The gain is annoying but as you've been good it's probably not "real", water, dodgy scales etc.
I've STS on my last few hols - as you say I think the trick is not just lazing around. The walking helps and it also keeps you busy which keeps you away from food and booze. The kind of beach holiday where you lie around all day is the worst, you end up eating and drinking loads. Beach hols aren't my thing though, I love "sightseeing". Drop me in a city and I walk miles and miles. Hubby likes to lounge though.
Yeah, can't stand lying around. I can do it for a little bit of the holiday, reading a book etc but I like to get out and do as much as I can.
I don't think it's my scales as they are very reliable, but back at my old house I had a square I put it on each time

It's just one of those things, I think it was my last loss that was incorrect as I was 0.5 down then suddenly lost 1.5lb the day after eating loooads. Anyway, I won't weigh in this week but will leave it until next week and try and get loads of exercise in.. hopefully next time I weigh in that 1.5 will be gone and more!
Oh the break sounds lovely you will have to show me where ya going when I'm over Thursday if you want I'll cook for the three of us on Thursday night something out of the ww recipe book if your home on Thursday afternoon we can go for a long walk if I'm recovered enough by then walking like I've fallen off a horse think 30 minutes on EA Active was a bit much every muscle in my legs is crying out in agony. Don't worry to much about the gain sometimes that is just body fluctuations
I won't be in Thursday afternoon as I'll be at work. I look forward to the meal though

Has your other copy of EA Active come yet? I can't wait to build up a sweat!
The cottage is the Pulley Mill one at
Hi Jess, don't stress too much about ur ickle gain!!.
Your wee break away sounds fab, sounds right up my street!!

It hasn't bothered me as much as it would in the past. I know it'll take a while.
Sounds like a great break, very green right now
Really have my fingers crossed that you have better results next weigh in. xxx
Thank you my lovely!
Not to worry about that gain hun it'll be gone in no time at all.
Your break sounds fab, very jealous!
Have a good day
I'm enjoying making everyone jealous
Thanks xx