Oh, no Valentine's day for me as such. 14th of Feb meant Chinese New Year to me this year! Sorry to be a misery, but I don't like the idea of it

I feel that any romantic gesture is undone as there's no personal reason behind it and it's just because society says so! Haha, V-day scrooge. Vroooge. I'm just not that fussed about romance anyway, except on my anniversary.. and the one this week is the first one we've celebrated in years as student years have been very poor! I'm more concerned with the little day to day things than big romantic gestures.. like not moaning about going food shopping! Just now Adam said to me on MSN he's saved the yolk from his scotch egg for me. Aww, that stuff is what I like! Plus when he remembers, he'll buy me a scratch card every now and again which I appreciate more than flowers as it's personal. That said, I am looking forward to [STRIKE]glugging[/STRIKE] sipping champagne in a hot tub on my anniversary :heartpump: I think v-day is great for people who are into that kind of stuff though.
I can't really think of a list of things I can't have when I get back. Crisps, milk chocolate.. but what else? I just want to eat "natural", unprocessed food. Food without a whole list of ingredients and chemicals in. Nothing too sugary either. Plus no takeaways! Ooh, and more fish too. I really like fish, but never cook it.. I don't really know what to do with it, so best get looking up some recipes.
I've also made a decision to be more strict with my meat. I'd rather have less ethical meat (as it's more expensive) than lots of cheaper meat. I'll start that at the same time. If I'm serious about it I'll have to be very careful when eating out and maybe stick to veggie meals. I eat mostly chicken and always buy freedom food chicken, but I will start getting free range and organic. I don't bother with organic veg but on a trip for my degree we went to an organic cow farm and they have to be free range to be classed as organic. I sometimes think about becoming vegetarian but I've tried before and can't stick to it. I will also check sauces to make sure all eggs in them are free range etc as I'd NEVER buy non free range eggs, but don't even give a thought to egg products. As well as meat all my fish will have to be sustainable as extinction is even worse!