Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Thanks everyone :)

Had a bit of a large binge last night :rolleyes: I seem to do one week on and one week off, but fortunately I seem to be losing more than I put on. I am having a McDs today but that's it, going to be really good then and have a mammoth walk at the weekend! I really enjoyed it though, I ate a whole packet of Tyrells Sweet Chili and Red Pepper crisps which were amazing, plus 2 creme eggs, a dibdab and a small butterscotch g&b choccy bar. I bought more but didn't eat it all. I must have only had about 10 points for the rest of my food though as I had 0 point curry for dins and my lunch was 6.5 + an onion bajee.

I feel like an ugger at the moment. I don't know what it is but my hair is almost constantly greasy and it's getting me down! I can only wash my hair every other day at the moment and with a jug.. I have to be careful about using too much hot water as Adam baths after me, but he came out the bath lobster red and nearly fainted yesterday so clearly I can sod him. I didn't want him having luke warm baths, but I'm not being careful so he can boil himself. I think it's also London water, I washed my hair last night (with my greasy hair shampoo) and then blow dried it and still felt slightly greasy. Tomorrow it will be gross. I have bleach highlights which should dry it out, but i think they've grow out a bit. When I'm back in the shire I'm going to get my hair dyed blonde as it's about half the price. It's only slightly more than getting it down at college by learners and they're actually a good salon (I did work exp there). As well as that I really regret cutting my lovely long hair off, though I had to as it was frazzed. On top of that my skin is really crap at the moment, I think because I stopped taking my antibiotics before I should have I made it worse than before! Not even makeup makes it look good :( It's too red to cover so I bought a compact from Bobbi Brown (waiting for it to arrive) hoping that will help. Plus it just looks cakey. GAAAAAH.
Congrats on the loss chick - well done you, little star!
I'm on antibiotics for my skin as well so I can sympathise - mine is still quite bad and painful. I find the L'oreal minerals foundation works quite well - not too cakey as long as you don't put too much of it on the brush. Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit low about your hair - sometimes I find just swapping shampoos helps, gives it a bit of a change? Anyway, great stuff on the Bobbi Brown purchase - gorgeous!
I don't think sharing a bathroom helps much Jess, Mum and dads bathroom is a bit old fashioned I hate the fact you can only have 2 inches of water unless you bath share lol I was always religated to third so always ended up with luke warm scummy water lol and they wonder why I don't bath when I'm there lol I keep telling them to put in a shower but no to modern for them.
Changing shampoos is always a good idea there's also something you can buy that removes all the residue left behind by shampoos and conditioners that is meant to be brilliant will look it up.
Congrats on the loss chick - well done you, little star!
I'm on antibiotics for my skin as well so I can sympathise - mine is still quite bad and painful. I find the L'oreal minerals foundation works quite well - not too cakey as long as you don't put too much of it on the brush. Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit low about your hair - sometimes I find just swapping shampoos helps, gives it a bit of a change? Anyway, great stuff on the Bobbi Brown purchase - gorgeous!

Thankoo :D

My skins isn't too bad normally. I don't get that many spots except a few on my chin but it's red and I have lots of pores. Hate it! My current foundation is Bobbi Brown but a liquid one so I thought a compact might help.

I don't think sharing a bathroom helps much Jess, Mum and dads bathroom is a bit old fashioned I hate the fact you can only have 2 inches of water unless you bath share lol I was always religated to third so always ended up with luke warm scummy water lol and they wonder why I don't bath when I'm there lol I keep telling them to put in a shower but no to modern for them.
Changing shampoos is always a good idea there's also something you can buy that removes all the residue left behind by shampoos and conditioners that is meant to be brilliant will look it up.

Adam has my bath water (which is always green once I wash my hair, ewww) so I think I can be less sparse with the hot water. I've only recently started using the greasy hair shampoo so I'll just try rinsing more. I think it'll improve loads when it's dyed :)
Im sure adam still lurves you greasy hair & spots or no!:D x
I know hun,my bad skin used to really get me down badly.
Told you before i think but only thing that sorted it for good was dianette pill & im still on it,if they try taking me off it they will have a fight on their hands! x
I know hun,my bad skin used to really get me down badly.
Told you before i think but only thing that sorted it for good was dianette pill & im still on it,if they try taking me off it they will have a fight on their hands! x

Yeah, I will try persuade my doctor to let me back on it because it worked for me too!
Dianette is the business!
I was on antibiotics on & off for 10 years:eek: ultimately they cleared my skin but it soon came back when i stopped them.

Good luck with the docs i hope you get to go back on it x
Just a quick mention of conditioner - I assume you use one - don't apply it to the roots cause that makes my hair quite greasy, would probably do the same to yours. :) Apologies if you already don't!

And what dopey angel said - some shampoos are just a bit funny, and sometimes you need a change. I bought one for brown hair which doesn't clean my hair properly, and I've started to find lush shampoos don't clean my hair properly either :( which is a shame.
Just a quick mention of conditioner - I assume you use one - don't apply it to the roots cause that makes my hair quite greasy, would probably do the same to yours. :) Apologies if you already don't!

And what dopey angel said - some shampoos are just a bit funny, and sometimes you need a change. I bought one for brown hair which doesn't clean my hair properly, and I've started to find lush shampoos don't clean my hair properly either :( which is a shame.

Yeah, I don't apply to the roots, but it is a conditioner for dry hair. Maybe I need a different conditioner. Oh well, not long until I dye it and complain my hair is like straw ;)
National trust stuff finally came through so off we go to Cliveden tomorrow. Going to have a nice luncheon and walk.

Definitely gotta get my ass back onto the diet wagon and stay on it as went shopping for a few clothes bits and the dreaded changing room mirrors made me want to cry. Sob sob. Start AGAIN Monday ;) It's a stretch, but until my holiday I want to stay on 100% except Easter day. My boobs looked awful in all the pretty little clothes and my legs, uuuurgh. Don't want to live my life in jeans and t-shirts.

On the pina coladas. One glass has 75mls of rum in *hic*. Adam's making me my faaaavourite meal ever of beef wellington and potato dauphinoise :) Bless my lovely man. Cherry pie and cream after, plus got my fav sweet chili tyrells crisps. Come Monday definitely back to it and with exercise too!
aussie is a really nice shampoo + conditioner to use Jess.

if you're dying your hair, then the Pantene colour range is really nice - dont know how often you wash your hair but I can use that and only wash every 2 days. Like someone said though, its good to swap your shampoos as they build up on your hair and can after a while make them greasy / flakey etc.. xxx
Good luck for restart today x
I had antibiotics for my skin as a teenager and they were wonderful! I had terrible skin, complete pizza face, hard to find any skin that wasn't spots. The antibiotics took a few months to work their magic but then cleared my skin 100%. Took them for about 2 years, then stopped and and have never had any acne since.

For a change of shampoo I often buy the travel size bottles you get in Superdrug or the samples from magazines. Saves buying a whole bottle of something you only use once in blue moon as a change from your favourite.

Why the name change by the way?

Good luck with the restart.
Lov the new name Jess !!

Thanks :D

Good loss Jess you will get there eventually I know


Thank you, I really hope so :)

aussie is a really nice shampoo + conditioner to use Jess.

if you're dying your hair, then the Pantene colour range is really nice - dont know how often you wash your hair but I can use that and only wash every 2 days. Like someone said though, its good to swap your shampoos as they build up on your hair and can after a while make them greasy / flakey etc.. xxx

I love the aussie range and I'm still using the conditioner at the moment. I have the dry hair range from before I cut off my hair (it was like straw) and it really helped. I wonder if my hair is producing too much oil as it thinks my hair is still really long? Is that possible? Anyway, I will use that again when I've bleached the bloody mane.

Good luck for restart today x

Thanks :)

I had antibiotics for my skin as a teenager and they were wonderful! I had terrible skin, complete pizza face, hard to find any skin that wasn't spots. The antibiotics took a few months to work their magic but then cleared my skin 100%. Took them for about 2 years, then stopped and and have never had any acne since.

For a change of shampoo I often buy the travel size bottles you get in Superdrug or the samples from magazines. Saves buying a whole bottle of something you only use once in blue moon as a change from your favourite.

Why the name change by the way?

Good luck with the restart.

They helped a bit, I think I didn't take them for long enough before stopping. I have 3 huge, really painful spots now and a load of little ones, much worse than before :p Hopefully the doc will sort me out eventually.

Changed my name because it was too long and a bit silly. Not very diety or related me, just a random lyric that I used for other internet names. It was between omnomnom and invaderjess which I use for EVERYTHING now. I love a cartoon called invader zim and have a character from it tattooed on my neck :p
Reeeally need to do a two week plan as I keep saying I'll do a plan, don't do it, then I don't have the right food and wobble. Planning is definitely key, I've done it in all the times I've lost weight. Will draw one up tonight after my tag bol :)

After the two weeks I'll be going home for easter weekend so that will be testing. I plan to only have Easter day off as my cousin is having eeeveryone (well over 20 people) in my family over for a roast which she is doing the meat and roasties for. My mum and her two sister are doing the rest of the potatoes and veg. Then we're all traipsing around the town doing a treasure hunt which I think is based around clues about the town. Back to the house for a little egg hunt for all the kiddies then a little set tea thingy again done my mum and two aunties (and probably me).

Adam's taking a half day on the Thursday before so we can go and see my cousin (who is my age) do a comedy stand-up gig. I hope he doesn't bomb :p I think he said it's a curry night too or something, but I don't want curry as I'm having curry good Friday. I will eat before I go.

Good friday I'm seeing all my friends, yaaaaay. Plus they are actually coming to Tenbury for once so Adam doesn't have to drive and he can drink too, yaaaay. Plus my best friend who lives in London is back the same time for the first time in probably a year or more, yaaaaay! We're all going to the Indian but I plan on having chicken tikka (8) OR chicken tandoori (6), aubergine bajii (4) and 1 popodom with a smidge of saucey stuff (2). So that's either 14 or 16 points. Then I am going to get very drunk as there are 10 pubs in 1 mile, with about 6 stumling distance from each other and it's dirt cheap. £1.80 a pint or £2.20 for a double spirit. I had a facking pimms and lemonade for £4 yesterday!! I'll stick to spirits cos of points. Also getting my hair dyed blonde Friday day time if it's open as it's half the price there as well. Saturday, don't know.. probably do something with my niece who is 2 and a bit. Love her! I have another niece who is 1 year but I don't like her yet as I hate babies, snooooze (sorry people). Plus we think there is something wrong with her, she can't turn pages of a book for 6 months old and doesn't push with her feet at all (this is not why I don't like her, but her mum still hasn't gotten her checked out!!) Adam and moi are going up to the common Saturday night to stargaze, apart from friends and family the stars are what I miss most. I think nighttime picnics are very romantic so I will possibly do that, but if it's after midnight it's Easter Sunday so that's fine ;) I might even take my champagne just to bloody get rid of it. Come home Monday, but if I can drag my arse out of bed I may have a wander round the crappy carboot sale, just cos I usually see people I know. Must resist dunking donuts. Ooh, it's next to the park so can take the-niece-that-is-not-a-ruddy-baby.
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