Morning everyone
What a weekend! KNACKERED! Friday night was really good fun - had mussels and steak for the meal followed by a fair bit of drink. We played ring of fire and I now know why I never remember playing it

haha. Saturday we saw the nephews and James' mum

then went to my auntie and uncles. Had wonderful food cooked for us - baked feta with onions and peppers, followed by beef stifado with dauphinois potatoes, and chocolate vanilla cheesecake

and some red wine. Yesterday they cooked us a beef toast dinner before we went home. Then at night James and I bought a cheeky McDs as got the munchies. So I weighed the same this morning :') but that's fine for such a wonderful food and booze based weekend!
My auntie also bought me a onesie and it's the most comfortable thing! Why has it taken me this long to get on bandwagon?!?
So sleepy this morning zzzz so hopefully can get an early night tonight.
100% week this week ladies with just my cheats on Saturday after the obstacle race! Tell me off sternly if I have anything naughty please!
Eats for today:
B - Banana with nut butter and protein pancakes
S - Blueberries
L - Tuna salad (spinach, plum toms, cucumber, mushrooms, yellow peppers, beetroot, olives) EV oil and lime dressing
S - Almonds/Cashews, cheeky berry nakd bar (only 100kcals!)
BOOTCAMP! Post bootcamp dark choc almond milk based protein shake
D - TBC. Probably fish and veg!
Happy Monday lovelies xxxx