Happy Monday morning ladies
My weekend was fantastic! Friday involved starbucks and a twilight spa session - so so relaxing, Saturday I went for a 3.5km run then we did a pottery painting class and went out for pancakes for a late lunch and sat and watched a film and drank some beers, Sunday we went swimming in the morning (slides!!!!) and played crazy golf (I drew game one then won second game and so was also overall winner! Yay!) had starbucks then we cooked back in the lodge and listened to old uni tunes and drank some beer. The best bit was just chatting and chilling with my girls - love them so much
Food was pretty sensible too for a girly weekend away!
Friday: Starbucks breakfast sandwich (naughty) skinny latte, chicken stirfry
Saturday: Bacon eggs spinach and a slice of toast, new York pancake stack with bacon and maple syrup (naughty), paella
Sunday: bran flakes and banana, bacon and spinach sandwich, chai tea latte with caramel waffles (naughty) beef Sunday dinner.
Plus snacks and beer

You do a lot of walking around though so probe burnt off the naughties. Checked my weight this morning and same as Friday so all is good.
Not getting back on it properly until tomorrow as I want to take James out for a meal as I've just been paid

daytime won't be too naughty though!
Hope everyone else had good weekends. I'll try and catch up today.
Got my new intern starting today so should be interesting xxxx