JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Wow what a transformation for you both. So pleased your wedding plans are coming along. It's all very exciting. Enjoy it as it goes so fast ☺
Blimey check you out! What a transformation for you both!! :D you are brave indeed...but honesty is always required in a good marriage so really you were just showing him you were good wife material
And now look, you're getting married! :) xx

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Mines a little loose but the jeweller wouldn't let me have it any tighter. She said it would pinch the skin and make my fingers look chubby!!!!! Xxx

:O xxxx she was blatently jealous
Wow what a transformation for you both. So pleased your wedding plans are coming along. It's all very exciting. Enjoy it as it goes so fast ☺

Thanks lovely :) yes I'm savouring every moment xxxx
Blimey check you out! What a transformation for you both!! :D you are brave indeed...but honesty is always required in a good marriage so really you were just showing him you were good wife material
And now look, you're getting married! :) xx

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I know! Was totally worth it especially as he felt the same! xxxx
Spin and I have Hate hate relationship! Haha but I'm glad I went again. Will be doing on a fortnightly basis I think :).

Got PT tonight and I'm aching from last night all over. Luckily I think we're doing chest so my wee legs can rest a bit!

Yesterday was on plan Woop :) the naughtiest thing was a dollop of nutella with a banana Pre spin

Eats for today:
B: Granola, banana, protein shake
L: Leftover chicken stirfry
S: Peanut butter and banana
D: going to James' mum's after PT and having a chicken casserole, possibly with a little bit of dessert after

Braved the scales and they're up to 9.11 so 4lbs to go until target and 11 until dress shopping :) Feel like im on it though and feeling slim so not too worried

Happy hump lovelies xxxx
You and Pip have around the same to lose until you go dress shopping!! DRESS RACE!! xx

Haha brilliant! I might stop before 9stone though as not sure if that is too light for me xxxx
Wow PT was tough! Did a chest workout and I can barely move my arms now! That girl pushes me and I love it. She says she was impressed though so that's good :) xxxx.
Good work on the PT jess!! I always think my pt tells me I'm doing well cos I'm usually screaming at him that I hate him for working me so hard! :) really tempted to keep on with my sessions after the first 10 are done! Xx

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Good work on the PT jess!! I always think my pt tells me I'm doing well cos I'm usually screaming at him that I hate him for working me so hard! :) really tempted to keep on with my sessions after the first 10 are done! Xx

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Thanks babe :)

Haha it's good though I don't think you can push yourself the same way. A big thing for me is having someone who can spot me so i lift heavier. Bench pressed 40kg tonight so pretty pleased with that :)

Yeah you totally should stick with it if you can afford to xxxx
He defo pushes me harder than I would myself! That's awesome on the bench! Go girl! X

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I can barely move my arms today :')