JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Morning lovelies

I'm running late to work - this has happened a few times recently and I'm annoyed at myself. At least it's only going to be five mins.

Aching nicely from my workout and got bootcamp tonight but then rest day tomorrow :) think that is going to be my only rest day as on Sat I'm gymming and Sunday I think we're taking our nephew swimming as he is staying over Saturday night :)

Last night Dianne did some chocolate pud and custard for dessert and I had a good bit. Then we got home and opened a beer.... I had a few sips and decided it wasn't worth it and so didn't drink it - bit of a waste but a NSV all the same

Eats for today:
B: protein shake and banana
L: leftover Dianne's chicken casserole
S: peanut butter and banana, orange

There will also be a decaf coffee on the menu as meeting my friend at lunch for coffee

D: Tbc (because of boiler issues we still haven't stocked fridge up)

Happy Thursday! xxxx
Morning gorgeous,
Sounds like you're still on the fitness train - I need to up mine as I don't think 2 days in 2 weeks is doing anything for me.
Ooohh tea sounded lush and sounds like you enjoyed it.

Happy Thursday
Morning gorgeous,
Sounds like you're still on the fitness train - I need to up mine as I don't think 2 days in 2 weeks is doing anything for me.
Ooohh tea sounded lush and sounds like you enjoyed it.

Happy Thursday

On the fitness express train this week - definitely working harder than usual! I think you need at least three times a week hun to see any real changes and improvements, two at a very minimum

Loves you xxxx
On the fitness express train this week - definitely working harder than usual! I think you need at least three times a week hun to see any real changes and improvements, two at a very minimum

Loves you xxxx

Hopefully once the spare room is finished this weekend, I can re-start on the exercise bike at home and do some interval training there, then I might try and fit at least 1 gym session in on the weeks I'm on late or possibly on a Saturday.

Loves you too gorgeous
Congrats on the NSV, and also the post gym ache. I love that feeling!

Are you off caffeine at the moment?!

Looking forward to seeing what dinner is store for later!!! xxx

Yeah I love it until it lasts too long lol

Yeah gave it up for whole30 had one coffee after which gave me awful stomach ache and so I've cut it out - Now I've discovered decaff I genuinely don't miss it.

I've no idea what to cook yet - something that will also do us lunch xxxx.
You're definitely a machine Jess!! Sound like you guys were spoilt by Diane last night and leftovers for lunch tonight! Fab! What a great mommy in law!

She is so lovely. Very different from my mum though xxxx.
Hopefully once the spare room is finished this weekend, I can re-start on the exercise bike at home and do some interval training there, then I might try and fit at least 1 gym session in on the weeks I'm on late or possibly on a Saturday.

Loves you too gorgeous

You'll start to love it chick xxxx
Jess, you are such a HUGE inspiriation with your fitness dedication. You look absolutely incredible and I'm so in awe! xxxx

Aw thank you lovely lady what a nice thing to say :) xxxx I'm inspired by your running!
Well done gorg!
I love that post gym feeling too - getting the buzz for it, like an addiction! but a healthy one!

mmm for choccie pud! :) xx

It really is! And yes was a lovely and I feel well earned pud xxxx
Can you all send me some fitness vibes please :vibes: as I REALLY need to get motivated to get to the gym more often!

*sending vibes* I'll go to any fitness classes you want me to chick
My arms ACHE so I've text PT asking her what's in store for bootcamp.... Core! So relieved but yet I know tomorrow my ENTIRE body will hurt haha xxxx
Your exercising is amazing!
I have to admit part of me quite likes the burn too; though its not often I've done enough to burn!
I quite fancy one of these 30 day programmes (I hear the shred is good for beginners ish?) But struggle with space at home. I think C25K would be good too as a way of getting into running- when it stay lighter later perhaps?- I can get a bit anxious out on my own which is ridiculous!
Anyway big well done and keep it up, you might guilt me into shifting my butt :p xx
Your exercising is amazing!
I have to admit part of me quite likes the burn too; though its not often I've done enough to burn!
I quite fancy one of these 30 day programmes (I hear the shred is good for beginners ish?) But struggle with space at home. I think C25K would be good too as a way of getting into running- when it stay lighter later perhaps?- I can get a bit anxious out on my own which is ridiculous!
Anyway big well done and keep it up, you might guilt me into shifting my butt :p xx

The shred is good and the C25k I would definitely recommend! No I totally get about running on my own, I run with James and my gym friends which helps

Haha I'll keep it up :p xxxx
Morning girlies! Yay it's Friday! :)

Bootcamp was good last night although it was hard after a full week of gymming and I found it tough. Won the plank challenge again with over two and a half minutes but failed the squat timed challenge (it burns!). Aching like mad tonight and I'll be honest I'm pretty tired.

Dinner last night was a prawn and red pesto pasta dish - something quick and after all the exercise I thought my body needed carbs stat.

Feeling a bit :/ today. I'm tired, James is tired and so we aren't that pally. Getting irritated by eachother too quickly. Also can't decide what to do tonight as he is out with the lads at a beer fest and he says I'm welcome but initially I wasn't going but due to a cancelled night out I now could. But should I? I genuinely knew he wouldn't mind me there but I dont want us to bicker. However if I don't go I Wont see him tomorrow as he's working, tomorrow night our nephew is staying so they'll be on Xbox all night, then by the time we've done food shop etc on Sunday it will pretty much be prepare for Monday again. Advice?

Eats for today are a bit unorganised again because we haven't done a big food shop yet:
B: gluten free porridge pot with maple syrup (omg I usually hate porridge but this was lush) and a banana
L: Salad and eggs
S: nakd bar
D: depends what I do tonight

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Hey gorgeous,

I think a lot of us are the same when we're tired. I know Dave and I always bicker when one/both of us have had a mad week of it!

You've done so well this week darling- you've worked your little socks off at the gym and bootcamp. You're amazing! No surprise at all that you're tired.

Hmm...not sure what I would do. I think if you went out, you would probably have a fab time and not fight because you'll have let your hair down after a long week. But on the other hand, if you're feeling shattered, a chilled pamper night in might do you good?
