JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

If you go for lunch, they sometimes do an AMAZING special of a superfood salad - I get it when I go and it would fit in perfectly with your diet plan!

It has broccoli, asparagus, feta or goats cheese (can't remember which!!), pomegranate seeds, quinoa, beetroot... it is sooooo good! xx

That does sound lovely :) I wasn't going to stick to the diet in Dublin but if I just eat naughties I might feel icky so will definitely consider it!! xxxx
Ooo, you've got me wanting a scone now! With lots of clotted cream & jam, mmmmmm.....

Sorry to hear you're not feeling great. I find totm often gives me a gurgly tum too.

Good luck with gym WI. I am sure you'll make a nice little dent in the 2.4lb.


I think this was the food i ate but probably not helped with TOTM

Gym weigh in: 1.2lbs off :) realised it was just 2lbs week before so made a nice dent in it. DETERMINED to have a good loss next week.

Yum yum yum scone get in my tum!! :D xxxx
Hi ladies :) sorry I've not been on much I've been knackered from busy times at work and still not quite 100%

Lost 1lb at gym weigh in so that is good :) 10.7.2 on her scales now and 10.5 at home :)

Really want 10.5 on her scales next week and 10.3 at home (at least!!) not sure i'm really on track for that yet though haha

Hope you're all well. I'll try and do some catching up tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Hello ladies

I'm EVENTUALLY feeling quite a bit better :)

Eats yesterday:
B - egg muffin; almonds and sprinkle of dark choc chips
L - Bacon, mushroom, onion, garlic, pepper and tomato pasta
S: 6 25kcal crispbreads
D - Beef burgers served on mushrooms with sweet potato wedges, kale and salad. Had a bit of feta on the burgers too nomanom
Cups of tea and a choc/orange hot cross bun!

A bit of naughtiness but not too bad :)

Today's eats:
B - Seeds, nuts and sprinkle of dark choc chips. Served with 2 tbsps of yaw valley mango and vanilla yoghurt!
S - Banana; Strawberries; Raspberries; Grapes (Also had one milk tray choc! tut tut)
L - Salad: Mixed leaves, cucumber, radish, celery, cherry tomatoes, pastrami, sprinkle of feta, and an olive oil and balsamic and lime dressing
S - I've got a boiled egg, a nakd bar, and some trail mix to keep me going. I've got Zumba tonight (going with the sis in law and her other sis in law) but won't be eating until after half 8 so need the snacks to keep me going!
D - Sis in law is cooking so not sure but probably something pasta and sw style

Okay ladies i'm concerned that I am going off track with naughties SO I am going to start counting syns again and my possibly my HEA HEBs. I'm not synning foods which are free on my nutrition plan but I will anything else!! xxxx.

So today: Dark choc chips in brekkie and trail mix - 2 syns
Milk tray choc: 2.5 syns
Yoghurt - 1.5
HEA: Feta and any milk for tea
HEB: Nuts! :)

No more naughties probably so: 6/15
So an update on syns for rest of week:
Monday: 2 for dark choc chips; 6 for carrote cookie; HEA in milk; HEB nuts - 8
Tuesday: 2 for dark choc chips; 4 for crispbreads; 9 for hot cross bun :/; HEA in milk and feta; HEB Nuts - 15

Total so far this week: 29/105
Well done on the loss and good luck for this coming week.

Keeping track of the Syns is a good idea. I don't envy you trying to combine two plans - I found it hard enough to get my head around SW! - but I'm very interested to see how it goes,
I think it looks good! The high syn value of the hot cross buns probably just made you go :eek:!!

This might be a stupid question, but what is trail mix? Is it like a nuts/seeds/coconuts type thing?

Glad to hear you're feeling loads better and managed to stick to plan so well! xx
I kind of see it as slimming world ideas but just without the carbs and replacing them with healthy eats that aren't allowed on sw as much.

I am seeing it as a move away from any plan towards healthy eating though so I am leaving slimming world gradually behind but it has helped me lose so much weight I will always use certain principles.

Trail mix is that Lil - i have nuts dried fruit and a few dark choc chips!

NSV ladies - size 8 top :D although I reckon I can wear it as a dress with leggings! (trying on with leggings tomorrow before I buy)

Thank you :D I'm genuinely not tiny though! When I'm a proper 8 then I'll be super super happy. Although tbh a size 10 is my aim :) xxxx.
You looked lovely on Monday so yeah for the size 8 top!
I sometimes try and mix it up a bit to make sure you don't get too complacent like I do!!
Love you gorgeous chickita! Xxx
You looked lovely on Monday so yeah for the size 8 top!
I sometimes try and mix it up a bit to make sure you don't get too complacent like I do!!
Love you gorgeous chickita! Xxx

Thank you beautiful girl :) and I love you too! xxxx
Morning sexy slim ladies!

Zumbaaa was a good laugh last night! It started off a great work out but it did get easier towards the end. Will defs be going again though. It turned into a nice evening as stayed for tea at James brothers and spent lots of time with Becki and the little ones - I ate chips, ketchup, toast, sausage .... All syn free .... Hehe we were playing with Harry's (2) kitchen ;)

Dinner was a lovely chilli with sw wedges and rice and salad. Sw wise it was great, nutrition plan a bit carby. But it shouldn't have harmed!

Eats for today: Think it would work as a red day!
B: Caveman museli (HEB) with a dash of HEA milk; Banana SF; Yaw valley yoghurt (2)
S: Strawberries; Grapes; Raspberries SF
L: Chilli with salad SF
S: Trail mix (HEB) Homous with celery (SF) Nakd bar
D: Turkey stirfry (SF)


Syn wise. Homous, normal mince and nakd bars are fine on nutrition so not counting those. But I'll syn 2 for the yoghurt!

Have a lovely Thursday xxxx
Your food is sounding soooo good at the min Jessy!! Do you feel a lot better for it compared to when you were just following SW on its own?xx

It's hard to know Lil because of being a bit ill the last few weeks BUT I dont find it difficult to reduce the simple carbs! Nuts are becoming my new best friend, and I feel like i'm putting better things in my body in terms of oils over spray and full fat natural produce over low fat but with additives!

Tbh I think you would find it quite easy to encorporate some of it! The best thing about it is that I have lost fat on my stomach :) I didnt seem to lose it there as easily on SW so I think that must be related to bloating etc
