JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Thank you lovely ladies!!!! :) :)

The details: we went for a lovely meal and to some bars to celebrate our 4 years, and James said he didn't want to head back too late as it would be nice to chill just us in hotel. So we got back to hotel at ten to 11 and I was like 'just gonna get in my pjs' and he wouldn't let me saying he wanted to give me my present .... Which I assumed was probably a pandora charm .... And so I sat on edge of bed and he brought a ring box out from his coat pocket (he'd had it on him all day but had decided he wanted the intimacy of just us) and I shrieked etc haha asking what it was. As I opened the box he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!!!! Supposedly I cried and just nodded for ages until he checked that meant yes hehe so I said yes :D

I am so ridiculously happy and touched by the messages we have received from family and friends. We arrived home to my future sis and mother in law having put confetti all over our house and had made a cake and held a meal for us sat. Then my sister in law took me to my first wedding fare yesterday! Eeeek!

And I've only put on 1lb! Bonus!

Love u all xxxx
Tasha James had asked her permission! (With my parents split up he asked both :) But she was delighted! Dad is 'terrified' and offered last night to help us pay so got that discussion to come! and i love my future in laws :D

Thank you Ria honey I am planning a 2016 wedding but i need creative minds!!

So happy :') xxxx
Wow.... romantical so romantical xx
Thank you everyone :) :)

Somehow I also lost 1lb at gym weigh in last night lol so the home numbers and gym numbers are getting closer together now :)

I now have an ultimate goal: I want to be a toned size 8 for my wedding dress :D 2 years to work hard at it! I also want to improve my skin so going to start a regime where I look after myself better in all ways :)

Food yesterday was fine:
B: Strawberries, Banana
L: Chicken salad
S: Nuts and raisins. 2 cookies :/
D: Sausage, mash and peas. And a slice of engagement cake!

We did our food shop last night and now on it for a good week as it's our last gym weigh in next Monday!

B: Caveman museli, Banana, Strawberries, Grapes, Raspberries
L: Chicken salad (chicken, peppers, rocket, spinach, mushrooms, tomato)
S: Trail mix
D: Cod with sweet potato wedges/mash and lots of veg :)

I will try catching up on your diaries. I'm sorry I've just not had time xxxx.
Oh wow - congratulations! What a beautiful ring and what a lovely proposal. That news has just brightened up my day.

You'll be a radiant bride and we'll be behind you all the way to size 8!
You'll be an amazing size 8 bride gorgeous! I'll keep you on track via work email too and you can keep helping me like you always do! I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful friend in my life! Love you darling girl xxxxx
Oh my gosh! I lose track of diaries for just a couple of days and miss all the excitement!! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE congratulations lovely girl - I couldn't be happier for you! He's a very lucky man and you will make a beautiful bride! It must be the week for it as one of my best friends got engaged on Monday too. Yay!! xx
WEDDING DRESS!!!!! I excite!!

They are all so beautiful :)

Spoke to my nutritionist at gym yest who was determined I can be a toned and tiny size 8 in time :D

Has your sister chosen hers yet?

Oh wow - congratulations! What a beautiful ring and what a lovely proposal. That news has just brightened up my day.

You'll be a radiant bride and we'll be behind you all the way to size 8!

Thank you Patty :) that means a lot xxxx
You'll be an amazing size 8 bride gorgeous! I'll keep you on track via work email too and you can keep helping me like you always do! I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful friend in my life! Love you darling girl xxxxx

Thanks my lovely :) I'm lucky to have you!!!! xxxx
Oh my gosh! I lose track of diaries for just a couple of days and miss all the excitement!! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE congratulations lovely girl - I couldn't be happier for you! He's a very lucky man and you will make a beautiful bride! It must be the week for it as one of my best friends got engaged on Monday too. Yay!! xx

Aww thank you darling girl :D I'm so happy!

A perfect week to have got engaged!! :D congratulations for your friend :) I never realised how amazing it would feel

Morning :) coming on to some lovely messages has already made today a good day!

Food plan:
B: Strawberries, Grapes, Raspberries, Banana, Caveman museli
L: Chicken salad with balsamic dressing
S: Trail mix
D: Either turkey or steak, with sweet potato mash and veg!

Eaten all the engagement cake hehe so no naughty temptations now!

Food looking beaut as always! Are you still on cloud 9?!

Chatting to the trainer at the gym already too - you are motivated!! I have no doubt you'll be a slim and toned 8 for your wedding - it's gonna happen!!

Are you getting fed up with people asking "what's the date?" yet?! :giggle: xx
He certainly won't have any trouble carrying you over the threshold .... and you'll be strong enough to carry him over too :D