Morning beauties
I weighed in yesterday and had kept my lb off

despite copious amounts of booze and food! So very happy! Would really like another off this week as got a weekend in Newcastle where some naughties shall inevitably be consumed!
We had a lovely weekend for James' birthday! I went to M&S Fri and bought lots of chocolatey goodies so we had them over the weekend, a meal at a smoked meat restaurant (wow) on sat followed by lots of rum!, a BBQ Sunday, and a big breakfast out yesterday followed by a trip to Meadowhall to buy my boy an Xbox One. He was very excited - like a small child

love it when he is so giddy like that. Boys and their toys eh

Tbf I didn't buy it all! He traded his old one in and some games and he put his bday money in and I paid the rest. Lots of peace now for me

Went back to the gym last night for bootcamp which was fab as always. Hannah mixed it up a bit which made it good. I'm definitely improving my form on a number of exercises so very pleased. Also got a PT session tonight so going to ache like mad tomorrow!
After the gym last night I had said we would have a KFC but we were good and had a dinner of steak, mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus and broccoli! Delicious!
So back on it ladies for the week at least!
B: 2 boiled eggs, baby spinach, smoked salmon
S: Banana
L: Tuna salad
S: Nuts, 2 rice cakes, Strawbs & Grapes, Peach
Pre gym: Banana
D: Turkey stirfry
Have a good Tuesday! I'll catch up this afternoon as got a very busy morning!