RTM Day 68 (Week 10)
Finally it's Friday

Miracle of miracles I even managed to get out of work early today and come home for an hour of quality time with Miss Lily who is curled up here next to me looking ever so adorable... I swear she is the cutest cat, well in my world <G>
Food today, a strawberry yoghurt with half an apple chopped up, a medium banana, tbs plum compote, and a sprinkle of crazens. Happy days

Had the other half of the apple at tea time with a cup of milky coffee. Pottered about the kitchen and made some of the most wonderful smelling banana bread with the bananas that were a little squishy. For lunch some home made brown lentil soup with a sprinkling of cheddar. The soup was good enough not to need the cheese but I thought since it was cheese week that I better have some. Still not quite sure what to do if you don't want the stuff in trigger weeks, should you skip it, or have it to check how much it triggers you. TBH the little cheese plate and the cheesy stuffed chicken earlier in the week was more than enough cheese for me.
Spent a lovely hour cuddling Miss Lily, then headed off on the mattrass pad hunt. So off to Ikea. Remarkably we hit it a good time, before the night shoppers got there, but just after the day shoppers had left, so we got round in remarkably quick time. I have a lovely new squishy mattrass pad ready to pop onto the bed tomorrow. I was thiking of doing it tonight, but decided not to, as I was just a bit nucking fackered! Dinner was an oldie but a goodie, salmon fillet with mustard, dill and cream cheese crust on some ratatouille with a tbs of butterbeans in it, asparagus, savoy cabbage and sweet potato chips.
I really did wonder, whilst eating such a thoroughly enjoyable meal, why I had always previously felt the need to have masses of starch like potatoes etc with everything. The veg is really the seriously major part of my meal now, and sweet potatoes I cannot get enough of... where have they beeeeeeeeen all my life!!???
Another thing I was contemplating on the way home, was why tasting, especially whilst cooking, is so damn good, and why it can lead to problems. My theory is this, as has been said many times, by many people, it is only the first few bites of any meal that are really satisfying and give us the flavour we desire, after that it all becomes a bit samey, but we eat anyway. Tasting gives you the hit of flavour and the "ooh wow" factor. Obviously though it is pretty much easy enough to get additced to the little tastes, because you just get that one hit that is sooooooo good!
Pud tonight was a little hotpot of banana and blackberry with plain yoghurt and a blackcurrant jelly, and a sprinkle of raisins and flaked almonds stirred into it. Very wintery and oh so good.
I really am having a "fat" day though. I feel all big and fat and my stomach looks huge. It is the one area on me that is still big anyway, but today I look at it and it looks even bigger than normal. To my skewered eyes, as big as it was when I was huge!!! Not sure what is wrong with my head really, as I know I should eat more, and yet I want to eat less. Have managed to maintain calorie intake, but dont like the fact that it is now between 1300 and 1400 a day!!!! Too scary by far. I am having one of those "im petrified i am gonna end up as a big girl again" moments. Worried about anything going into my mouth. To be truthful, I could have happily not eaten any fruit, jelly or yoghurt at all this evening, but if I didnt my calories would be to low, and LLC already said I must eat more because my BMI is now in the range of 19 which is too low. Why, oh why, am I finding certain parts of eating so hard, yet at the same time I want to food??? Just had a big lecture from my Sis about my bad mental attitude towards food, which I suppose on some aspects she is right on. However, for all my saying that I should eat less, I tend to eat about the same each day. What scares the pants off me is that it is easy to increase cals by just making a few small additions, how the hell am I going to cope when there are no rules? Only 2 damn weeks till the end of RTM and I am bricking it!!! I want to just remain on the same weight I am now. I am scared if I eat more I will start putting on!!! I realise I really love the safety of all the control in LL. I need the control. At the same time I am aware, because it is my nature, I only cope so long in an "adapted child" mode before I become rebellious. I think that is what scares me the most, that I will have this one day of massive rebellion and f**k it all up!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaah, help, head is a mess right now. Yet again, I am failing to have a pack today. Havent had one for the last 3 days, But I feel I am getting more food than I need and plenty of nutrition because of the range of foods I am eating. Should I be skipping a meal and having a pack instead???? I wish I was at the point where maintaining was effortless and I didnt have to count, worry about, plan, etc, that I just instinctively knew when I was a bit up food wise, and then to just eat a bit less. I cannot even contemplate eating things like a cheese sarmie agian ( lol I love these ) just because I know calorifically it is sooooo bad! Or if I had one, I would have to have pretty much very little for the rest of the day to keep it all under control.
Well, time for a little zzzzz methinks, my head is spinning too much right now
Answers to my dillemas on a postcard if you will ;P