RTM Day 73 (Week 11)
Well it looks like it might finally just happen!! An early night! Well an early ish night, but I will be in bed before midnight for a change
Had a very easy and laid back day for a change too, which was a welcome respite. Like most people at this time of year, there seems to be so much to do and not enough time to do it in. Also I am conscious of the fact that there is such a short time till Christmas and so many events until then.
Had breakfast early as planned well by 9amish, Porridge with a few crazens, vanilla yoghurt and some stewed plums. Abslutely gorgeous because it was sooooooo bloody cold at work today!! My boss came through so made her some too which she really enjoyed. We chatted over a coffee then headed of to the Albert Hall for the tasting - more Brits stuff. We got there with loads of time to spare so caught up with some cheffy mates - always fab catching up on all the gossip
The tasting went well and they loved what we presented. Always cause for a celebration, one of the guys really adored my porcini jam, so I ended up giving him a jar to take home. I had taken a bar with me and an apple, but didn't manage to sit down and eat. Had a starbucks skinny latte and a small taste of 2 terrines (a wild mushroom and the roast veg) and 4 veggie crisps. A bit naughty I guess. Waited for my boss to finish and got some orders done. She was delayed so called us a cab to get us back to base. Quick cup of coffee and then headed home. Traffic was even ok, so was home by 5:30, which just gave me so much more time to get things done. Decided I should eat something so heated a small bowl of celeriac, fennel and apple soup, and had some cooked chicken with that. Caught up on a bit of housework, then had a lovely long bath. I had some lovely sirloin off cuts about so dinner for this evening was Faijtas. I sauteed some peppers,smoked garlic, and red onion with a bit of corriander. Marinaded the beef which I had cut ultra thin, with some bbq spice and faijita spice, sauteed this off, served in a BGTY Tortilla with some salsa, fresh avo and a bit of creme fraiche - very very good it was!..Whilst all this was cooking I also put on a huge batch of Ratatouille so that should last a while. Tomorrow will be a root veg prep day - so lots of lovely roasted root veggie bits. Also need to do a fe more compotes for home - have loads at work. Pud was a stewed apple with raisins and pecan and pistachio sprinkle and a cranberry yoghurt. Just time for a coffee before bed, a few minutes of the book then some quality sleep. I should probably have a bar as my cals are a bit low, but will see how I feel just now.
I am really happy that I have not had any reaction to bread so far, and even happier that I finally seem to be a bit more relaxed about RTM - hahahahaha about bloody time too in week 11. I focussed far too much initially on doing it perfectly 100% like I did abstinence, but RTM is about making adult choices for ourselves. I think I am learning to do that. Still lots of road to travel on this one but my feet are on the right path.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day and that tomorrow is even better