Jezebella's Journey Forward

Can't wait for the update Jez - enjoy making your ex boy crazy with lust!!
I love the Cheshire Cheese and can negotiate the higgledy piggledy
dark stairs in heels nowadays !!!
Glad you've had a great time, Harvey Nicks sounded lovely.

I know what you mean about making an entrance - and an exit.
I went to Brighton Marina with some friends after work the other night. When I left I walked out of the pub on my own. I felt great too.
I walked past 2 guys who were giving me the eye.
One said to the other " F... mate - there's some money on that hot
woman" (Charity shop Per Una fake fur full length coat, heels, sparkly bag, slightly sparkly scarf). Felt a million dollars, pretended I hadn't heard and tottered off! Lovely.

Speak soon. xxx;)
Hey SB

Great to hear from you, am guessing your month of abstinence is also done and dusted!! I am loving rocking the slim thing!!! Amazing how clothes make us feel good but I get just as much pleasure from my cheapies as from the things that cost a bit more :) Not sure if the ex will go crazy with lust, but if anything I know I will look great!! That will be enough to put a smile on my face and loads of my fab chef mates are there, so they will certainly big me up :) I think the most important thing will be the feeling good about me !!! I wish you had pics of your fab outfit for me.. I also have a brilliant fake fur coat which I am dying to wear out!!!

Damnit I must take more pics soon!!

Yeah, i've become a bit lax in the photo department after taking ages to become what Pete used to call a photo whore!
Anyone heard from him at all?
So excited to read your posts Jez doll. You are smokin'! (not literally lol!) All the best with the Brits - and knocking the sox off the ex. Can't wait to read your next update gorgeous.
W00t, Brits done for another year, awesome bloody day, so much fun with all my good old event friends... it was bloody freezing though!! Now home, having a well deserved glass of wine and relaxing :) for those that are dying to know, yes I finally saw the ex, yes it was lovely, yes we hugged and smiled a lot, and yes we are going for a drink this week!! I am so glad I was full of fabulousness and wearing the good knickers!! oh and I still fancy the bloody pants off him, he is sooooooo hot!!!!

Sounds like it all went swimmingly then J!! So thrilled for ya!! :D

So, another hot date huh?! There's not stopping you girl! Don't think you're gonna need me to text and check if you need saving on this one though... hehe... ;)

lol pinks, i know it sounds weird, but when i am with him nothing else exists for me, ooh omg it sounds like obsession!! probably not healthy and crooked thinking or something!

I know that feeling hunny... just go with it... you know what you're doing... just be the one in control, and have a little fun! You deserve it... :)

Must be going well for Jez and the boy!;)
Do you think she's still having fun Pinkie?:confused:
Lol!! I wouldn't like to say SB, but it's been a week & I don't think she's surfaced yet!*

*This may or may not be true & is based on pure speculation! :D ;)

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Think of all those:0chacha: calories she'll have lost ................