4 May 2010
So back to work.. feels like I have never been away, and now I have seen the sheets for the next 2 months I am shuddering at the thought!! Days off will be few and far between

Oh well, I have a few days off with the new baby to look forward to.
Tootled off to class tonight - the last class or pop in I will probably manage for a while, but it is the thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow- woohoo I have lost 8lbs in a week!! I know mostly its a whole bunch of water, but I am now in my very happy weight, so going to keep going for a few more days, possibly Friday or till the end of the weekend, depending on what the losses are like. I just want to be a few pounds below my happy weight which still gives me a fair few pounds to play with if the going should get rough!! I am finding it really quite easy and still loving the whole not really ever hungry feeling.
The birthday party was a huge success. It was the most wonderful thing to give someone who is usually really stressed a wonderful relaxing day off and see her happy and smiling

the kitten loving wasn't bad either!!! I planned the food so it was LLL Friendly and knew exactly what I was allowing myself to eat. I didn't want to make a huge fuss over not eating or drinking, so had coffee then soda because I was "thirsty" and then had a glass of champers poured which I just carried around. As noticed previously with a drink in your hand nobody questions you. Tuna nicoise for lunch, left the yummy bread and potatoes out, so it was just beans, tomato, fresh tuna and boiled egg. At Cake time, I took a piece, broke it up and then managed to "clear" plates to the kitchen at get rid of it that way. Not that I really didnt fancy a piece but hey there is another day for cake.
All in all a great success!!
Peony darling, so good to hear from you

You are still looking amazing, and I am glad it is going so well for you. The diet headspace does get irritating from time to time, and for a while I just needed to get away because I deal with food all day at work, and then its in my head dietwise all the time. I am permanently analysing what I should/could/should/want/wantbutnothaving eat etc and I just wanted to see if I could manage to do what "normal" people do. I managed for a good month or so then noticed a small gain so decided to get rid of it asap and pull my head back into the right place. It is far to easy to drift if you are not constantly aware of the process. This is just reaffirming all the great lessons I learnt. It will make it easier to carry on in the future. The other great, wonderful, amazing lesson I have learnt is that "yes, it's true I can still loose weight" the first time on LL was not a fluke, if I put my mind to it, I can shift it. This gives me great hope for future maintenence.
Right bed time, and another few days on LLL then a 10 day re introduction to food.
Have a wonderful week further