Maintenance Day 14
Well, it is done!!! Finally the last event out the way and final clean down at work tomorrow and it is over for me for the year!!! I am absolutely shattered!
I got home Friday and actually fell asleep on the couch 3 times!!! Food wise friday was fine, Porridge for breakfast with banana, pecan and raisin and teaspoon honey. I actually ate really early for me, at about 8:30, but I was hungry. Lunch at about 2pm of Green salad with some tomato and cucumber and chicken breast with a bbq gravy, really spicy and good. The cold weather and being in that freezing kitchen of mine I am sure is helping with calorie burn, as it is taking everything I have to just keep warm!!! We had fabulous snow on Thursday evening which is still on the ground so it is feeling really Christmassy. I have always dreamed of a white Christmas, so hope it sticks for a bit longer. Growing up in the sunshine makes a White Christmas seem like a fantasy come true! I got home and got stuck into the cleaning and sorting then ended up having a little nap on the couch. Bliss was off at the Xmas party so I only had to worry about dinner for me. Some salmon fillet with philly light filling. Ratatouille, some left over cabbage and lentils. It seemed a massive portion but it was 90% veg. Had another nap after dinner then woke myself up with the alarm clock to watch Heston's Christmas Feast. I am in total awe of him and the whole meal was spectacular. True food porn in every sense of the word. The third nap then I fancied a bit of pud, so had some baked apple and berry compote with yoghurt, raisin and almond. I took out a jelly too, but was too full to eat more than half of it. Woke up at about 1am on the couch and dragged my sorry self to bed.
Yesterday, being Saturday was a good and not so good day. I woke up late, and Bliss got home safely. We had porridgey goodness with banana for breakfast at about midday, quick baths and then headed out in the bitter cold for the wedding. I have seriously never been so cold. We were in a marquee on the side of the Thames, there was loads of ice on the ground and some snow, the floor of the marquee was concrete, you cannot believe the cold!! To sum up I was wearing 2 pairs thermal socks, winter stockings, thermal leggings, cords and my chefs pants over that. On top I had thermal shirt, long sleved tshirt, wooly jumper, chefs jacket and a fleece, also gloves and a hat!! I still had to put my feet into the hot cupboard to thaw them out. I took some soup along to have for our lunch which we got at about 4pm, but had to share with some other freezing people. I didn't really manage to get anything else to eat, but had 1 cheese straw with the soup, a piece of bacon, a taste of fillet, a taste of the home made bread, and about 1 tbs of the banoffi!!! Not very good at all
We drank loads of coffee to try and keep warm, and had to walk miles to a loo with no light, water on the floor, no toilet seats or toilet paper!!! Quite a shocker!! Got home just after midnight and had a bowl of vanilla yoghurt with a banana and raisins. Crawled into bed and just died until this morning.
Breakfast again at about midday of porridge, with banana, raisin, almond and honey today with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Then headed out in the cold to brave the shops. Not my best shopping day as I could not find all the things I wanted. Tuesday will be better!!! Got home and had some pea and ham covent garden soup with some sliced baguette and a little butter. I was very proud of being able to just have a little bread and then stop. Mentally I wanted loads, but I ate it slowly and I knew that in my head I wasn't hungry for it it was just wanting for the sake of wanting. Wrapped the rest up and put it away!!!!!! Another nap followed!! God it seems all I have done is sleep, but I desperately need to catch up on some sleep before the Xmas festivities start. I feel a bit overwhelmed as there is still so much to do!
Dinner has just been consumed and it was fab, some left over fillet from last night, ratatouille, fine beans and some butternut puree. I certainly do not miss having potato or rice or other carbs with every single meal. Milk wise today, mostly black coffee but 2 cups of tea with milk, so might have a hot choc later. Pud wise not sure maybe another round of apple compote, but actually I could skip the hot choc entirely and have a low fat chocolate mousse from the fridge! That will be another first for me to try. So I think I am doing ok, was about 800g up on my scale for the last 2 days so making an effort to try and eat better. I am really nervous now what with the festivities almost upon us.
Any hints, tips and suggestions would be welcome.
Have a wonderful Monday!!!