I meant to add earlier: I'm definitely getting fitter, and increasing my stamina.
When I first started swimming again as part of my getting healthy plan (not when I started swimming the Channel, in March, but way back in October when I first got back into a pool after goodness knows how long), I measured myself against a colleague, who is one of the "regulars".
At that stage, she was doing about 3 lengths to every 2 of mine! She just seemed to power up & down the pool, and not tire. She does between 40 & 50 lengths most mornings.
But I knew I was improving, because by just before I started the Channel, I was only losing about 2 lengths against her for every 20 we swam, and quite happy with that.
(I'm not racing her, by the way, or adjusting my speed for hers. I just use her speed for pacing purposes!)
Well, a couple of weeks ago, when we happened to get into the water at exactly the same time again, I checked, and was amazed to discover that, over the first 20 lengths, I was actually gaining against her! Then her stamina levels compared to mine kicked in, and she got just ahead after 40 lengths.
Well, this morning, we got into the water together, and started swimming, and - I had done almost 50 lengths when she got out after 44, and I was still inching ahead!
To me, that's abso-flippin-lutely amazing!!!