Jim's lazy Atkins diary

Morning all, we had a bad evening, the carer's called to say Jack the FIL was very confused and kept crying and saying the house was full of rats. We went over, the Dr says he is dehydrated and has a urine infection again. This has happened quite a few times now, it seems so hard to make sure they make him drink fluids. Some of the problem I expect is Jack himself, they'll make him a drink, but he won't drink it. The other problem is the carer's always seem to be different people, he used to have one carer who was marvellous, she could cajole him into doing what she wanted, sadly we haven't seen her for a long time. We'll go over this morning and make sure he's taken his medsand try and get him to drink something.
Sorry to hear that jim, urine infections can cause terrible confusion and hallucinations. Can you ask the care agency to ensure they care plan that his fluid intake is monitored and recorded? Hope he improves swiftly. Sandra x
Morning all,

Thanks Sandra, good idea, but overtaken by events now. They took jack to Hospital yesterday morning, he's had a bad fall in the night, god knows how as he's bedridden. The have diagnosed pneumonia and of course dehydration and the urine infection. We'll be off to visit him later this morning.
Morning all, we went to visit again last night and he was much improved, he was talking anyway and not as confused. I'm pleased it was the carer's who found him and not us, he looks like he's been beaten, and he has a huge black eye. We think he must have fallen out of bed and hit his face on the standing tray by the bed. I'll keep you posted.
I am not sure about some of the tablets they put the elderly on Jim - my MIL is on water tablets and she tries not to drink too much as the tablets make her want to pee - it could be that Jack is doing the same. They often worry they won't get to the loo in time or if they are wearing pads, that they will be uncomfortable. It might be worth discussing any medication he's on to make sure it is doing what it needs to do x
Morning all, no change with Jack today, we'll phone later once the day staff are in.

Gem, Jack is on very few meds, and most of them he spits out, it's just he keeps refusing to drink or eat properly. I suspect now that he's bed ridden it's the last thing he can control, if that makes sense.
It makes perfect sense Jim. It is hard for elderly people to let go the reins and perfectly normal to hold onto the last bit of control x
Is there any chance of getting him into a care home Jim? Staff being around 24hrs can make a big difference.
If I remember rightly it was mentioned some time ago - didn't he have to agree to it as he still had his faculties? x
Morning all, yes Gem, he was in a care home and he demanded he be allowed to go home, he has all his faculties, just physically bedridden. He was much better last night, they are saying they may discharge him on Friday, he has been pumped full of anti-biotics and stuff, I'm sure the meds they give you in hospital are far stronger than from the chemist.
Maybe its because they can monitor them while you're in hospital x
Evening Jim, so sorry to hear FIL had difficulties. Hope you are getting it all sorted xxx
Morning all, Hi katie and Gem.

Well he's being discharged today with a prescription as long as your arm, it's pointless really as soon as he is home he'll refuse to take them, he knows he has to be good in hospital or he won't get home again. he was always very controlling and I suspect that Not taking his pills and refusing to do what he's told at home is all that's left for him to control, that and verbally abusing his carer's.

Ah well, as soon as I've delivered Olivia to play school we are off over there, Colleen wants a big clean up and I need to tackle the garden.
You're doing really well for Jack and I hope somewhere deep inside he appreciates it even though he will never admit it. You have a thankless task with only the knowledge you are doing all you can do to spur you on x