Joanie's back

I know I'm totally addicted to food porn at the minute and experimenting with healthier recipies for maintenance. I am good at refeed and maintenance and wouldn't have been where I was had it not been for meds and steroids.

Though looks like I may need more steroids as the side effects were due to my new meds so I'll be going uncontrolled for a few weeks.

However looking forward to October refeed and working to final target.
Joanie, looks like we might be refeeding at the same time. I'm going to come off in October. I'll be in the overweight category by then so still work to be done but I need a bit of balance back in my life. I got another weeks worth today. Just taking it week by week.
I plan to stick until 1st Oct. Then I'll take it weekly but can't really see me doing anymore than 5 more weeks. It'll be good still being able to chat about how we're getting on on refeed!
Yes, a refeed buddy would be brilliant. I think I've worked out I'll buy by last packs on 3rd October and use them to take me through refeed. I should be at least half a stone down by then (hopefully) then refeed that week with my two fast days then it's over to me again. And if I can chip away at it a pound or two a week after that I'll be happy. How you feeling today? Xx
The head is much better and rheumy confirmed peripheral neuropathy and low platelets due to my meds so coming off them which should make me much better on one hand but could mean disease runs riot. I'm focusing on the feeling better part and just back to day by day I think I'm out of ketosis as no furry tongue and think the fizzy water on sat did it..

How's about you?
Finally moved to 158.6 yey just hit 28.2 so 2 St gone and goal hit. Hopefully this is the start of the scales moving again. Will try to do progress pics later...
Well done JoanieK - great success story!
Lol so guess who fell clean off the wagon straight into a jar of hot salsa scooped down like a ravenous hound. I went back and kept looking but stopped and went to bed.

I'd felt awful all day sore, sick and weak but I've got to admit feel much better today only sore so straight back on the wagon. Didn't affect the scales but do see my tummy bloated in my progress pics.

If I can edit them I'll upload before and after...
Not sure if this will work and it still looks horrific but getting better!


  • progress.docx
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Wow joanie u have made fab progress u are so well on ur way - u have had the tiniest blip so don't worry - u have been on this so long and u have been soooo good - u can be nothing but proud of yourself - fantastic pics - and look this is not a sprint it's a long long marathon but every step is bringing us closer to where we want to be so keep her lit hon u are amazing!
Aw thanks I'm back on and no cravings today and def feeling much more like myself. Sucking diesel now and like you say it's a journey step by step and sticking with it. Dreaming of seeing the magic 10s and possibly even the 140s by 1st Oct.

Adding in 5 minutes gentle toning exercise daily now and hoping it will help and I can develop that into 10 minutes next week and up it to 15 minutes so when I refeed I can do some hiit instead.
Wow u are motivated good woman urself - I am in a lull - I want something - and I am fighting with myself - a shake will have to do for now - keep your fingers crossed I don't give in
Yeah today isnt bad, still a soup to take and necking the water like a student necking vodka in happy hour so hopefully.

Ketosis is the key, my blip didn't knock me out I think so stick on in there with that shake and once you're in ketosis again it'll be smooth.
Back on yesterday and not doing badly. Scales still static this morning nearly half way through week. However I suppose it has been nearly 2.5lb loss from last Monday ( hopefully over the next 4 days I can cross into the healthy bmi). I'd still like to lose another 2.5lb this week to allow me to do this.

Cleared out some clothes to charity shop yesterday. A few things I loved but were too easy to gain in. Even chucked loose nighties and cleared out bally tights etc feels good and hope to rid myself of a few more items. I've been pulling more clothes out of the wardrobe that I haven't worn in ages so enjoying that feeling.

Still feeling even more fatigue than normal with the platelet issues and still random bruising but I suppose it takes time to get out of my system. My hands are driving me batty as everything I touch feels like my hands are thawing. It'll probably be a month before that settles but hey at least it's not permanent nerve damage. Got to go to a neighbour's wake this evening which will be hard as food is a very Irish thing to force people into. Didn't know the man but was very friendly with his daughter through school.
So the scales moved .6 today to 158, absolutely delighted it moved but has hoped for more...

I'm down 1.6lbs with 3 days to go this week. Need 2 more to get the exact bmi which I think is epic going from 2lbs off obese to getting healthy bmi in 6 weeks. Could just make it so I'm gonna buckle down and up the water as I haven't had to go to the loo in the middle of the night so I must have reduced my intake the last few days without realising.

Met a neighbour yesterday and she's such a gossip- same age as me but looks so old and she kept looking me up and down which was so funny!

Really feeling being off my meds this morning. Feel like lead but just popped a caffeine tablet as it's a beautiful morning and I've a house to clean, job applications to send and all before 11:30 so I can take my wee girl to the park after Naiscoil.
That's great it's on the move again joanie - every downward step is a success - thrilled for u and amazing that u have done it all in such a short space of time!
Aw thanks hun- let's see in a couple of weeks and you'll be flying!!!

I'm drowning myself today, have 2.5l down so bar next shake Ill prob end up around the 4.5l mark which I'm happy with. Hopefully this shows tomorrow on scale :scale:
Hi joanie how are u today? Hope alls good x