Baby got Back!
I don't like him chubby, just a bit of meat on his bones. He's dropped from XL to M/L and his waist has dropped from 36 to 32. He was that size when I met him 20 years ago!!!! Oh no. Hilarious cuz he just ate 6 roasties 'n some mealie pudding (white pudding to those who need translation) but wouldn't have a yorkie! He's nuts!
Good for you Mandarin Cheesecake with Light Elmlea for pud! Yeah, it's a cheeky week for me.
I can't believe how much Burger King is!!! I love Whoppers (oo-er missus!) 'n they're mental with points. Like 18 or something (can't be bothered looking it up). What's that all about? Bloomin criminal I say!
Good for you Mandarin Cheesecake with Light Elmlea for pud! Yeah, it's a cheeky week for me.
I can't believe how much Burger King is!!! I love Whoppers (oo-er missus!) 'n they're mental with points. Like 18 or something (can't be bothered looking it up). What's that all about? Bloomin criminal I say!
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