Hi all
Sorry I've been a bit awol (gosh ive been making a bit of a habit of that lately!!)
Legs are completely fine thank goodness. Car had to go into garage on monday after school so had to walk home from garage (about 3 miles

) so i reckon that loosened the legs up a treat and have been fine ever since!!!
So car has been a total nightmare of late, been playing up over the last few weeks, silly light keeps flashing and bit shuddery. I've been using boyf's car this week and been mostly staying with him (hence me being awol!). However got car back and it seems to be fixed now (fingers crossed). It's such a worry when car isn't going, especially as I have so far to travel for work!
I'm afraid to say eating hasn't been that great this week, could have been better! Out last night at a gig in King Tut's. Went to see The Sunshine Underground - they were awesome!!! The usual pre-gig pizza was the order of the night and I just couldn't resist. Even worse ive had a chinese tonight

However going to get back to it tomorrow and try ultra hard next week, need to shift this jelly belly before my holiday!!!!
Half marathon training starts 2moro, going to do a 10k I think then start trying to increase it so we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to getting back out, not been out since sunday!
Anyway ive wittered on for Scotland here....i'm off to catch up on diaries. Hope everyone is well