
Well my stomach is still playing up today etc so Im going to eat basic foods today as google says that helps lol

So for breakfast this morning I had toast and for lunch I have just had Heinz tomato soup and bread

My upper back is also giving me problems (on my right side in the middle of my back where my shoulder blades are) and so I am just gunna completely relax today and work on making myself feel better

Well my stomach is still playing up today etc so Im going to eat basic foods today as google says that helps lol

So for breakfast this morning I had toast and for lunch I have just had Heinz tomato soup and bread

My upper back is also giving me problems (on my right side in the middle of my back where my shoulder blades are) and so I am just gunna completely relax today and work on making myself feel better

You're back pain sounds like a tension pain... Are you sleeping on your side?? Is your pillow supportive enough??
I had that a couple of weeks ago n it was just awful.. But it was posture related so easily fixed..

Hope you feel better soon xx
You're back pain sounds like a tension pain... Are you sleeping on your side?? Is your pillow supportive enough??
I had that a couple of weeks ago n it was just awful.. But it was posture related so easily fixed..

Hope you feel better soon xx

Yeah I sleep on my side(s) and sleep on a couple of pillows so I dont know what Im doing wrong really :)
Yeah I sleep on my side(s) and sleep on a couple of pillows so I dont know what Im doing wrong really :)

Maybe your neck is too tilted?? It was sleeping on my sides all night that gave me the pain.. Now i'm kinda half on back half on my side and get a much better sleep...
Maybe your neck is too tilted?? It was sleeping on my sides all night that gave me the pain.. Now i'm kinda half on back half on my side and get a much better sleep...

Sometimes I have no choice but to lay with my upper body/head at an angle because of the heartburn i get/acid reflux. But on nights where i dont get that...i can try what you mention. How do you keep yourself half on your back and half on your side?!
Sometimes I have no choice but to lay with my upper body/head at an angle because of the heartburn i get/acid reflux. But on nights where i dont get that...i can try what you mention. How do you keep yourself half on your back and half on your side?!
I have a pillow behind me... or i'll lie kinda on my tummy but pull up one and hav the pillow under my leg n that keeps me from laying with any weight/pressure on my stomach...
God its just a nightmare tryna get comfy n get a good sleep on the one time we actually need that sleep!!!
Hope you find a solution that suits soon...
Morning hun,

Hope you had a better night's sleep last night :) xx
lol Nope...spent hours with acid in my throat..occasionally coming into my mouth. Delightful :(

Ooh that sounds painful and not very nice. I was struggling until we got a new mattress but our old one we'd had for nearly 8 years :(
Ooh that sounds painful and not very nice. I was struggling until we got a new mattress but our old one we'd had for nearly 8 years :(

Yeah the acid is wouldnt go away after having Rennies either :( It also didnt seem to ease off even though I was laying on three pillows
Yeah the acid is wouldnt go away after having Rennies either :( It also didnt seem to ease off even though I was laying on three pillows

Did you try a glugg of milk??
I've been getting that quite often but only after eating.. Not in bed yet thankfully.. Milk usually gets rid of it..
lol Ive been told to avoid milk whilst Ive got the diarrhea/upset stomach.....cant win can I!!!!!
Yea dairy is bad if you've an upset tummy.. But I'd say your dicky tummy was down to all the fruit juice so it'd be fine :)
It also coats yer stomach so would do you good
Happy 23 Weeks hun :) xx
Happy 23 weeks :) xx
23 weeks

Been shopping this morning. Took a coat back to New Look that didnt look right, got baby some random bits (clothes, mits, booties, blankets etc), then went to Mothercare and got fitted for my maternity bra(s) and bought a crib kit thing :p Woop woop

Im nervous this week...I just want to get to 24 weeks and then i'll be happier I think.....its so close....