Gold Member
Could be the answer for me too RD, i gained 6lb over the weekend with binging, but i am not as brave as you! I use cd as my crutch too much!
Thanks for posting it Bex ... this might just be the breath of fresh air I needed to complete my journey!
One question though, there are 7 days in a week so will you always do ud dd ud dd, or will you try to keep the same days every week as dd's? The reason i ask is i know Saturdays are pants for me. I would happily ss sunday and monday if i knew i could eat on sat!!
Bex, I can't thank you enough for your post on this subject, I feel like you have given me one last chance to really sort myself out.
I look forward to posting some good results!
You are so right DQ, I haven't felt like this for a very long time. Debbie and I have beern struggling for what feels like ages, she has acheived an incredible weight loss but I think she has had enough of SS. This plan will fit right in for her and me. I have quite a hectic social life and often eat out, sometimes 3 or 4 times a week, I don't want to give that up and now I don't feel like I have to. I can lose the weight steadily and still have a life, celebrate when everyone else is celebrating instead of feeling deprived and grumpy!
Thanks for the encouragement and watch this space for results!