Johnson up day down day diet!

Oh comes the voice of doom approaching!!!

I have looked at this, looked at this and looked at it again and can certainly see that this is a plan that would work! :)

The only two "issues" that jump out for me are:

1 That Up Days are not used as an excuse to binge as someone else has already said!
2 Ideally, that there is some sort of "supervision" to ensure that your emotional wellbeing is taken care of as you go through the plan to make doubly sure that it is not a "feast/famine" cycle.

Reckon I'll give it a go myself!!! :D :D
Well Diva, the emotional well being thing is kind of covered by Minimins! The Juddders are developing quite a support network and I find that a huge help. The binge/starvation thing is something to be watched carefully but the interesting thing that I find is that knowing I can eat what I like every other day has taken out the whole 'forbidden fruit' thing. Yesterday I had an apple yum yum, I could have had another one, but I didn't. I really enjoyed the one I had, without thinking ' Oh God, I should not be having this, I am a useless fat failure who can't stick to anything, bugger it I'll have another one'! Change of thought process!

I am totally excited by this plan, in the first 2 weeks DR J says it is important to stick to the 5oocals on a DD. After that you can go up a little, for instance for me, aiming at the 30% cal weight loss prog I can have 715 on a DD, so that is good. However if I want to I can stick with the 500, it is the flexibility that is so helpful and I just know I can do it!

On a dd today, got on the scales this morning and am still 3lb down since Tues. I am really pleased with this as i Atkinsed Fri eve with my bf, and had a bad upday yesterday with a bfs family birthday party. Tried to keep the cals limited but i know i went over 2000. As long as it's just one day a week i am happy.

Tomorrow is my daughters birthday party, on my upday, so i really need to watch the cals ready for my WI Tues morn.

Everyone's doing really well! Keep it up team JUDDD!!:grouphugg:
Well done Bex, you are doing brilliantly. It is definately the overall loss we must look at. I am really looking forward to recording my 1st full weeks result tomorrow. When I think how down I was feeling this time last week and how happy I feel now, I can hardly believe it.

Go the JUDDDERS- we are so going to reach our goals!!!!!
You guys are really JUDDDing!!! :D

I'm gonna make a special effort to log in tomorrow Barb to see your results, ...something tells me that you are gonna fly on this! Well done girl! :)
Thanks Diva, I'll do my best!

I'm doing supermarket Slimfast along with the occasional CD pack leftover. I only have about 4 tetras left before I run out... Slimfast peach & mango smoothies are divine but I'm only doing 2 a day on the down day.

Jenny - when you get to a certain point near the end it becomes more & more hard to SS. It happens to everyone, you'll find it out soon enough.

I'm not sure if you actually meant this to sound as hoity and condescending and nasty as it does, but that aside, ... I was simply saying that I think there could be dangers in it re old eating habits. And as with any 'new' diet I think that time will tell whether it works or not.

I tried again recently to SS and found that I was pretty much on 1 week & off the next. The staying power for SS is hard BUT if you do 1 day as a fast day & the next day as an eat day it's easy. You only have to think 1 day at a time, even I can do that. The idea ISN'T to binge every UD but to eat satisfying food & what you like.

I understand the theory behind the diet (I read the blurb same as everyone else) and, like any other I guess, if it is followed properly it should work, however, the UD's do sound (and read) like carte blanche and perhaps the food that some folks find satisfying and what they like, may be excessive, that's what I was getting at.

If you stuff rubbish every UD then you won't lose weight & you'll tire & move onto something else. If you do it all week properly you've cut your calories by 40% ASSUMING that you don't go to overboard on the up days which is the problem I'm having this week. Down days are no cheating, I'd think myself pathetic if I couldn't even do one day with the knowledge that I can eat again tomorrow but at the moment the majority of the overkill going on was tonnes of birthday celebrations in our house. My mum goes on hols for 2 months on Friday & we were celebrating her 65th, my dad's 60th & my brother's fiancée's birthday all at once. Monday onwards should be much calmer with no party food or meals out. Next week will be better...

I don't think celebrations are the problem, the way we choose to deal with them is the real issue. Don't you think? Whether Juddering or SSing our way through life...

Starving & fasting was our way of eating in caveman times. It can't hurt us in the longterm as if it did humans would never have survived to this day.

We shall have to agree to disagree on this one. Cavemen starved and fasted out of necessity, not choice, clearly, as, when choice became available mankind chose not to continue that way. Dieticians are constantly telling us not to starve/fast it's no different to yo-yo dieting in my book.

Like I said though - time will tell, it's a new plan and early days and if it works for some then that's fantastic! Any plan that helps folks get where they want to be in a safe and healthy way, well, no problems. I'm just saying that in my opinion (which you can ignore of course, lol, as it is only MY opinion), this doesn't sound healthy. End of.
Please Please someone..... anyone.... If you're doing CD for DD's are you honest with CDC or not? If not, what are you saying you're doing? Is there a CD plan that would substitute as an explanation for how many shakes you need? And that you'd be happy to pretend to be doing? If I decide to go with JUDDDD I'll need to buy CD, but just don't know what to say?

Honesty is usually, I think, the best policy, and my experience of CDC's is that they are very supportive in our endeavours to deal with our weight problems so hopefully yours will be one such. At the end of the day, they are there to help you and I'm sure yours will be no different to RD's :D Good luck with it all.
We shall have to agree to disagree on this one. Cavemen starved and fasted out of necessity, not choice, clearly, as, when choice became available mankind chose not to continue that way.

Unfortunately, things are not as straightforward as that. We now have choices yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean we choose the right ones. You wouldn't say that chosing pizza and chips ever day would be sensible. Who's to say that eating the caveman way wouldn't be the right choice?

I'm not saying it is mind you :D Just keeping an open mind.
Dieticians are constantly telling us not to starve/fast it's no different to yo-yo dieting in my book.
Dieticians can't make up their mind what we should be doing, and the propaganda flows. When I started dieting, we were told we only needed 1,000 calories a day (by the dieticians). Now they say we need more. They told me my metabolism would slow for ever more if I had too little, and now it's been proved that your metabolism recovers.

They say you need more calories, but then it has been proved a long time ago (and by very reliable sources) that eating much less is actually much healthier.

I'm just saying that in my opinion (which you can ignore of course, lol, as it is only MY opinion), this doesn't sound healthy.
I do wonder what diet is really healthy. A weight reducing diet means we have to eat less than our body needs. To me, that doesn't seem healthy, but what choice is there?

Juddd is just a calorie controlled diet, but over two days. I'm not convinced it's the perfect answer. I certainly wouldn't like to do it for maintenance as I think 'my way' is more natural, but I wouldn't consider it a yoyo diet either. The changes are too quick. Where do you draw the line with when you eat and when you don't?

Many people have fasting days. Some religions fast every Monday and Thursday. Cliff Richard told me once he always fasted on Monday.

Perhaps it just doesn't matter that much. I think we all put too much emphasis on it all. As long as over a period of time we are taking in enough vits and minerals, we'll survive;)
As I said before, and this is the last comment I shall make on this thread.. it is only MY opinion. If I had all the answers I would never have been 25 stone.

Awwww. Hoping for a good debate here;)
Well, good points made by all. Karion and FFNF, if the answers were easy we wouldn't need them! I feel very enthusiastic about this plan mainly because it 'fits' my lifestyle. One of my main reasons for slipping from the straight and narrow is that I like my social life and am not prepared to go without it long enough to solve my weight problems. My OH and I take great pleasure in going out for a quite meal together or a noisy one with friends. Either way, normal dieting gets in the way, with this plan it doesn't. He understands that this means a lot to me and is 100% backing me, but is equally chuffed that his life doesn't have to be mucked up because I am on yet another flipping diet!
I know it's early days and perhaps in a week or two I will be eating my words, but meantime I am giving it my all and will not allow a negative thought to effect me, this is too important.
That's the ticket Barb. This is your time to get slim. Finding a diet that fits well into your life and you don't find too difficult is a recipe for success.

I love reading the enthusiasm in your messages:)
I just googled 'QOD DIET'.

It is indeed strikingly similar to JUDDD - only a bit more structured in that a woman is recommended to eat no more than 1,800 cals on an up day and no more than 300 cals on a down day.

They advise taking specific mineral supplements on the down day - presumably because a lack of these particular minerals would endanger health.

I think anyone interested in the Johnson version of this feast/fast diet should take a peek at the QOD site.

Interestingly they do NOT recommend such a weight loss approach for anyone carrying more than 25lbs surplus.

Karion, I have to say that I, too, have my doubts about JUDDD as a weight loss method. Having SS-ed and 790-ed for a long time, I think such an approach would pile on the pounds if there were no lengthy 'normal eating' gap in-between.

The QOD version seems to recognise that for a satisfying rate of weight loss calories must be quite stringently limited.

Not sure why they do not recommend this diet to the heavily overweight - haven't read that far, yet. Obviously if one is very heavy initial weight losses on an up/down day plan will be higher than if one had only a stone or two to shift.

As for the JUDDDers here - only time will tell. I reckon the first month's losses will be more revealing than those of the first week.

I fear that we, as food addicts, will always seek out the option that promises to let us eat 'what we like' - albeit in restricted qualities. That's why we are happy to pay the price of a 'fasting' day. Haven't we been doing this all our lives? Overeating one day and compensating, the next?

But my utmost good wishes go out to the JUDDDers. I really want this diet to work.
Thanks Karion, I knew you would understand. It is an incredible feeling to realise I have started the plan that will take me to the weight I want to be. I don't care if it takes a year, or more, just as long as I have a plan I can live with I can be patient.

Hmm, I've just googled QOD and although some elements are similar they are very definately not the same. I would not like to go as low as 300 cals, that is just too low and also I think to be cal counting quite strictly on the UD would defeat the whole purpose of being more flexible. Also there is no mention of the activation of the gene SIRT1, which is a main reason I am doing this plan. It seems altogether to be a harsher regime, which may well be why there are all the health warning for people with more than 25lbs to lose.
I do hope this thread is not going to become negative, I think that would be a real shame for all us Juddders, we are trying something new, we are being sensible and we will, of course, wait to see the results.
I do hope this thread is not going to become negative, I think that would be a real shame for all us Juddders, we are trying something new, we are being sensible and we will, of course, wait to see the results.

Totally agree Barb, i thought this was a support site, not a 'put down each others' diet' site!

Yes, it remains to be seen whether JUDDD will work for us, but, like everyone else, we need the positivity from our fellow posters to help us give it a good go!
It is indeed strikingly similar to JUDDD - only a bit more structured in that a woman is recommended to eat no more than 1,800 cals on an up day and no more than 300 cals on a down day.

Yes, I looked at the QOD diet when I was researching JUDDD. Sensible on paper, harder to adhere to though. It's like Juddd without the fun;)

I should imagine that if you bought the JUDDD book, you'd find alsorts of recommendations that we don't see on the forums. Besides...there is a UD calorie limit, so it's not really a feast day. The UD might seem very generous, but it takes you to about 1200-1400 approx a day.

Most people should have a slow (but healthy:rolleyes:) loss on that.

Of course, if others decide to do their own version on Juddd, then on their head be it.

The QOD diet works out at 1,050 a day. Though the losses would be much better, I could see many people falling off the wagon with it without the benefit of ketosis and being such a low amount of cals a day.

They advise taking specific mineral supplements on the down day - presumably because a lack of these particular minerals would endanger health.
Which may happen on a diet that low in calories, though be's an American diet, and they advice supplements for anything!

Interestingly they do NOT recommend such a weight loss approach for anyone carrying more than 25lbs surplus.
Probably because it's too low in calories (along with modern day thinking) and someone with a lot of weight to lose usually needs more.

think such an approach would pile on the pounds if there were no lengthy 'normal eating' gap in-between.
I'm not sure it would, but there is a school of thought going around that you should only diet for 6 months, then maintain for the next 6 months.
The QOD version seems to recognise that for a satisfying rate of weight loss calories must be quite stringently limited.
But it doesn't have to be. It all depends on how patient you are.
As for the JUDDDers here - only time will tell. I reckon the first month's losses will be more revealing than those of the first week.
I agree. A number of people plateau at week 3-4. That's why I've always maintained that it must be a comfortable way of eating for it to work. Losing the weight is a bonus. Others do go on to lose more though. I have been following people off and on this diet since Sept 2006. One lady has lost 66lbs so far. Not bad eh :) Others have come and gone. You every other diet:rolleyes:

I fear that we, as food addicts, will always seek out the option that promises to let us eat 'what we like' - albeit in restricted qualities.
Again, yes I agree. You still need to work through the head stuff to get through it healthily. There is no quick fix. Eating what we like isn't exactly too bad a thing though. That's what most non-diet weightloss books recommend :) It depends a bit on your approach to eating what you like

Eeeh, enjoyed that :D Thanks for the chance to discuss this :)
Totally agree Barb, i thought this was a support site, not a 'put down each others' diet' site!

Hmm, I've just googled QOD and although some elements are similar they are very definately not the same. I would not like to go as low as 300 cals, that is just too low and also I think to be cal counting quite strictly on the UD would defeat the whole purpose of being more flexible. Also there is no mention of the activation of the gene SIRT1, which is a main reason I am doing this plan. It seems altogether to be a harsher regime, which may well be why there are all the health warning for people with more than 25lbs to lose.
I do hope this thread is not going to become negative, I think that would be a real shame for all us Juddders, we are trying something new, we are being sensible and we will, of course, wait to see the results.

Sorry girls. Wrote the last reply whilst you were sending yours.

I think it's good to discuss the pros and cons with any diet. It's a chance to explain the workings of it to the sceptics :)

BTW Barb, the QOD would bring the sirt1 into action.
What does everyone think? Now there is a section for the JUDDD diet should I get my diary moved into it from Members Only Diaries section?

Which do you think would be the most useful section for it to be in?

As far as the debate is concerned:
Having only 5 days experience on this diet I am very cautious of saying anything that may tempt people into trying the diet. Especially if they are going to quit another diet like Cambridge without giving it a fair crack and going down the plans carefully. Given my success on Cambridge I can confidently recommend it. It was a wonderful diet for me and changed my life.

I also don't want to encourage anyone who would want a diet that enables you to binge, JUDDD is not that diet and I am hopeful that this is the diet that helps to stop me having the urge to binge.

I am very very optimistic JUDDD is a fantastic way to go for me at this time. The results too have already been amazing and it's very easy to follow and to stick to religiously. I am confident I will be still doing it is a months time and then I will feel more confident to recommend to others. Watch this space;).

Dizzy x