Gold Member
Ye can put me on a right downer if Iv been good and I just gain and end up where I was come the end of the week . I'm 3/4 lighter at the mo from last Thursday morning but knowing my luck il go up half and then be bck same place come Thursday lol. I'm also going to try and stop eating in the evening as it's late at night doesn't help. I will be buzzing if I can get 2lb off as I just seem to be stuck around 16.13 -17.0 . I also think tho because I have lost 2stone the loss does slow down and this is why I'm adding excersise
Now as it all helps
You've done great to lose 2 stone already
I hate being just under the stone mark, I always want to get as far away from it as possible, just so if I have a bad week, it won't go up into the next stone.
Keeping everything crossed for you for a good weigh in on Thursday