Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

Well the good news is the roofer has been. The bad news is it's going to cost 4 figures to put it right - to fix four tiles - seriously I'm in the wrong job! Hopefully the insurance will pay out on it though because I'd rather not find that money so close to Christmas.

on another note I nearly messed up big time today - our phone has been ringing for days and it's been an 0845 number. I always ignore those as we get loads and it's always PPI or personal injury or someone trying to sell something and they just don't take no for an answer. So today I get fed up of this same number ringing constantly, I pick it up - preparing to give them a piece of my mind and it's the hospital ringing to try to book hubby in for his operation. They'd been trying to get hold of us for days - oops!

But that means that hubby is now booked in for his op on 16th January which in turn means we can start IVF probably in February. I'm so excited it feels like things are finally moving now.

Foodwise gone a little off track - too much pre Christmas socialising, meeting up with friends, nights out etc. but I will be back on track tomorrow and hopefully will stay that way until Christmas Eve when I will probably have two days off plan.

hope you are all winning ladies x
Hi hunny, not good news on the roof :-( how come these things always happen when you least need it!! I had 4 new tyres last week and this week got an up repairable puncture!!! Grrr!!

Fantastic news on the phone call, it's all going to start soon and you have done so well to get your weight down for this!! Dream come true!! Xxx
Thanks Kimmi,

luckily the insurance have now agreed to pay out in full so that's a weight off my mind.

i'm really excited that things are finally moving with the IVF. And February is ideal because it means I have a few weeks after Xmas to deal with any odd pounds that sneak on over the festive season.

How are you doing? X
Not much to report here - still decorating although I have finished my bedroom and built my new bed. I hope it will help my bad back as its got a much better mattress. Got all brand new bedding, sheets and pillows too - I'm so excited about getting into it tonight - sad or what lol!

Dining room is nearly finished and I hope it will be by next week. Just some chair covers to make to cover the pink chairs that don't match. Feel like I've not stopped at all for weeks. Just got to get through this week and I have two weeks off work to relax! Can't wait!

Hope your all winning! Xx
Hey JG, nice to see you still around. Fantastic news re IVF, can't wait for you to go back to that snooty consultant with the svelte new you and prove him wrong. Also, the possibility of a mini JG, how exciting!

Lost of decorating going on in your house, I think you've mentioned before that you do most all of diy in house, not hubby. Same here. How is your bed and new bedding and bed? Piccies would be fab! If you're as good at diy as you are at cake making it's going to look like a show home!

Hope you have a lovely time leading up to festive season and keep on keeping on x
Thanks Toni,

yeah I have to do anything technical here - hubby is worse than useless and very clumsy to the point of being dangerous - He would love to do it but I just can't trust him to be careful. My step dad came to do some work on the electrics last week and even though hubby had been told what was happening and not to touch anything electrical he still plugged something in and nearly electrocuted my stepdad - he wasn't impressed lol

i decorated the whole bedroom and the only thing I asked him to help me with was the putting the bed together (which is fab and soooo comfy by the way) he promised me faithfully that he would be extra careful but firstly he wasn't concentrating and turned round with a piece of the metal frame in his hand and gouged a big chunk out of my freshly painted plasterwork. Then a few minutes later he dropped the frame down on the corner of my brand new bedside table and chipped the lacquer (luckily it is on the back where it can't be seen but I was still very cross)

the neighbours were all laughing at us last week as I was outside on the drive up to my elbows in oil fixing his car and he is stood watching me with a coffee in his hand but seriously it is so much safer that way.

I will take some pics and get them up on here soon. I would love it to look like a show home but with hubby and the little one I will settle for fairly tidy lol. X

My new bedroom - snapped some pics quickly before the muck magnet (hubby) trashes it xx


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Lol @ clumsy hubby, it does sound safer with him out of the way!

You bedroom looks amazing, I see you covered your dressing table chair too, I remember you showed us pics ages ago of 'before' looks great from what I can see!

You are one talented lady JG, well done you! Sweet dreams in your comfy new bed x

Thanks Toni,

yes that is the old bedroom chair that I re-upholstered. I'm really proud of it.

Well work is done now until 6th January and little one has finished school. Just waiting for hubby to get home at 11 and then Xmas can begin.

all of the Christmas shopping is done - just the fresh food to buy and some baking to do - feeling very organised which surely means I've forgotten something vitally important.

Hope you're all well ladies xx


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Yay! 16 days off now - not sure about the relaxing, not really my style but I'll try lol.

final weigh in of the year 11stone 13lbs so that's 27 and a half pounds off - would have liked to have done the full two stone but I'm happy with that considering all the parties and things I've been to.

Hopefully not going to do too much damage with the Christmas festivities - would like to be in the tens by end of January in time for my IVF
You are doing brilliant! Well done :)
Hi all

not been around much recently due to being here there and everywhere over Christmas. I've been stalking you all through your diaries but not posting as I lost my motivation big style over Christmas - foodwise I wasn't too bad but I certainly wasn't 100% good either. Too long out of my normal routine is not good for me.

so anyway I am back - back to work, back to routine, back to reality, back to low carb and I can't blooming wait - I've felt bloated and sluggish for the last few days and I am longing to feel slim and trim again as I did before Xmas.

I just need to get these first few days over with and get into ketosis - I really struggle to motivate myself to get into it but once I'm back into it I will be fine - bring on the Atkins flu!!!

I'm "slightly" up on posted weight but hoping for a good whoosh this week once I get some more water down me.

need to get my weight down a bit more because hubby goes in for his operation next week so it looks like I'll be starting my IVF sometime next month - would like to be in the tens for that! Wish me luck!!

food today is:

b: black coffee (trying to wean myself off sweeteners)
l: some boiled ham.
d: chicken baked in mayo and garlic, egg fired cauli rice.
w: 1 litre and counting

Hope you're all winning ladies and looking forward to catching up with you xx
Hey JG, nice to see you back. Just come back (doing sns) and on day 4 myself, took me a week of false starts to get going. So exciting about IVF next month and if your previous track record anything to go by you'll be in the 10s in no time. The crimbo weight mostly water/glycogen so you know you'll see it come off quick! x
Thanks Toni!

I'm annoyed with myself for gaining but at least I've had the sense to put a stop to it now before it went too far. Although I was determined I would never ever be 13 stone again I managed to stick to that.

SnS is supposed to very good - I have a friend who lost eight stone on it and she looks amazing. I'm sure you will do very well on it xx
Welcome back..... First week back for me too after a 5lb gain!! Struggling to get back on the wagon as still have christmas carb left in the cupboards :-(
I know the feeling Kimmi.

i gave some away, donated some to a charity raffle, fed stuff to everyone who even dared set foot over our doorstep and fed it to hubby.

Although hubby went back to slimming world today and he's gained 9lbs oops!

But new year new start n all that lol x
Hi Jg good to see you back. Lol at feeding hubby:) We managed to minimise the carbs enroute so it's not been too bad. We were given an enourmous tin of roses by some relatives though - we aren't opening it to saturday afternoon when my friend comes over..i reckon her three kids plus my one will do a good job on it with out any adult help needed:eek: glad i dont have to put the others to bed though;) Onwards and downward

Ps exciting news on ivf:D
Welcome back JG and brilliant news on the IVF!!!! What an amazing incentive!

Sounds like your head is back in focus too - don't worry hun I led the charge on completely losing it over the hols and eating everything in sight - but like you, I've managed to clear out the fridge of all bad stuff now, so onwards and downwards :D
Hi JG, sounds like a nice holiday season for you and so exciting with the IVF. You've done well to be just a little over posted weight. Well done. x