Thanks Toni,
i think carb cycling to me would be an excuse for a long binge - I just wouldn't get back on plan I don't think. I try not to come off plan often because I don't have a lot of willpower to get back on - I'm fine while I'm on track and in ketosis but it's just working up the motivation to actually start and get through the first few days I find difficult. That said It might be difficult to be 100% this weekend because we're away again for our anniversary and food is included.
well today I went to a meeting which finished much earlier than expected so I decided to take the afternoon off - not that I did anything exciting ( only food shopping) but it was nice to do it without having to drag Jacob round. Will probably take some more time off tomorrow morning too as I'm not due at my training session until 2pm.feel a bit lazy but I need to take some time off really because I've worked loads of overtime this month but because its flexitime we dont get paid for it. we can take the time back but only within a certain timeframe and then it's forfeit. Unfortunately the deadline for taking it is tomoro and I'm still well over my hours so I'm actually working for nothing- grrr! Mustn't grumble really - I love my job and there's lots of perks but because i'm so busy I'm always over my hours so it's always a little niggle on deadline week!
Went to our new " local" Aldi (it's about 15 miles away but that's a good 10 mile closer than the old one was) sooo much low carb stuff in there. I piled my trolley high and bought some Christmas bits too and spent £100! I didn't think it was possible to spend £100 pound in Aldi but i guess I got enough food for about two weeks including 10 trays of meat so it will be much cheaper than tesco where I spend about £80 per week.
So I finally got home from Aldi, unpacked the shopping, cleaned out the fridge, picked up Jacob, went to pick some fabric for new curtains, got petrol, went to buy a birthday card and present for a party jacob's going to at weekend, visited parents in law, came home, did jacobs tea, packed cases for Jacob, myself, hubby, turned the house upside down looking for swimming gear, printed out confirmations for spa, train tickets etc, tidied up, sorted out some work stuff for tomorrow, filled in some pension forms, transferred enough money to hubby's bank account to cover weekend expenses, did jacob's homework and reading, played with him, read bedtime stories and put him to bed, started on our tea, sorted out some washing. Finally sat down at 11pm when hubby came in - asked him to find a pair of jeans to put in the case instead of the impractical linen trousers he wanted to take and get grumbles that he'll do it later as he's been at work all day!! Bloody men!!!
Foodwise I have been good again today - not eaten much as not been hungry so hoping that this is a sign I'm going into ketosis - (probably just in time for me to come out of it again at weekend - yay!)
b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: frankfurter sausage.
d: Aldi piri piri chicken breast ( this was lovely and only 0.1 g of carbs) stuffed mushroom.
w: 2.5l
So now we're all packed and ready to go (save for hubby's jeans - grrrrrr!!!!) absolutely can't wait to finish work tomoro so we can get off.
Hope you all have good weekends - see you on the other side ladies xx