Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

Lol : -)
Ha !
Hey Joodle! I'm not Welsh, my real name is actually Allison (everyone calls me Alli). I just have an interest in Celtic mythology and liked the name Ceridwen. That doesn't mean that I can't appreciate a good Welsh/cheese joke though! :D

Enjoy your trip, and don't stress too much over the diet, you need to have some fun too! :)x

I actually thought your name was Kerry but spelt Ceri #doh

Now my mind has to match the name Alli to your face lol!
Careful what you say, ceri, or you might end up like bob!
J we need to hear all your stories you have from your trip. Any men in the shower there? so hoping.
Yeah J I could so do with a mental picture of a hunky man taking a shower right now *wink* hope Switzeland is warm and sunny for you and your bones xx
I'm missing Joodlebob's 'chapters'...hurry up and come back :p
wow that took some reading... hope your trip to geneva is good... i just flew back from there last weekend :) lovely airport if a tad confusing with the french sector & swiss sector LOL
Woohoo, you found a way to get online! Can't believe you're still finding the time to post.

2. Trini said only 3 ricola sweets a day!


Ah, that would explain things!!
or Doodlebob! ;)
Oh man, I don't even know my own name any more. This is quite something seeing as how I've not had a drop to drink in 6 weeks!
Your Switzerland trip sounds like my camping trip - I starved! And you clearly have a filthy mouth, I've not been censored once! Like the cheese-joke a lot. And pleased to see you're still manage mighty missives from your hotel xx

Thanks Sara, am going to be working on size reduction - both of my own fat supplies and my diaries. Sorry for that!! Jx
J we need to hear all your stories you have from your trip. Any men in the shower there? so hoping.

You guys, I was away for work!!! No men and definitely no men in the shower!! I don't do that kind of work. Sheesh.
wow that took some reading... hope your trip to geneva is good... i just flew back from there last weekend :) lovely airport if a tad confusing with the french sector & swiss sector LOL

Oh Ellie, I am definitely going to edit myself a bit! Can't have you all neglecting your homes and loved ones because I write too much!! Where were you on your holiday? Geneva is a nice compact airport which is the main thing - I seem to be spending far too much time there lately so the novelty is wearing off a bit!
So unluckily for you guys, I kept up my diary while I was away! Feel free to come back later....although I did try to be briefer...not sure how well I succeeded mind you!

18[SUP]th[/SUP]July Cruise day 36 PV day

Still battling the sore throat which is turning into a regular snotty cold, mmm, lovely.

Managed to stay on track today pretty well I think. The problem is absolutely not that I am being tempted to stray, it’s more that there just isn’t Dukan friendly fare available. If I cheat, it will be on fresh British strawberries and luxury ice cream thank you very much, not the crappy food from the hotel buffet breakfast or the UN canteen! The wrapped bean curd I brought with me have saved me a couple of times today– not ideal in the long run (slightly too high in fat) but fine for a week away I hope.

B: 1 egg, 1 fat free strawberry yoghurt, 1 ginger spice muffin
S: 6 sugarfree throat sweets throughout day
L: 150g tuna steak, 60g stewed tofu, aubergine caviar, courgettes and stewed peppers (these didn’t taste or look like they had any oil added, good work today UN canteen, good work)
S: 1 vanilla yoghurt, 1 ginger spice muffin, 60g bean curd, 40g vegan wheat protein bar
D: mixed sushi (salmon, tuna, mackerel, squid, scallop, omelette, unidentified white fish), Japanese pickles, soya sauce & wasabi

Exercise:70 mins walking
WW propoints: 29
Distress at being away from scales: high (no idea how you weekly weighers manage)

Weirdly, although Geneva has proved to be fairly un-Dukan friendly, it has thrown up a few trump cards. They have great low fat yoghurts here, ones that are 0.2% fat, no added sugar and no gelatine like the muller lights have. Also, having scoured London, a city several times the size of Geneva, for low fat cocoa powder with no success (what’s up with you Tesco? You don’t think us Londoners need bargain low fat cocoa?), I found a tub of organic, reduced fat powder in a really random health food shop in the middle of the red light district. Bizarre. And before you all ask, my hotel is in the red light district, I’m not pimping myself out in the evenings or anything.

Hope everyone’s doing well, no internet access tonight but will copy and paste this when I next get online.


PS Still can’t come up with a decent emmental joke. This really is no gouda.