Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

19[SUP]th[/SUP]July Cruise day 37 PP day (apart from 1tbsp of courgette....)

Cold is still evolving, last night was the night of snot, quite delightful. Am hoping the extraordinary amounts of mucus my body is producing will have an impact on my weight. Can’t figure out where it’s all coming from so have decided it must be my fat cells. Fact.

B: 150g 0% mixed fruit yoghurt, 1 muffin
L: 150g pollock, 1 tbsp stewed courgette
S: 120g 0% apricot yoghurt, 90g beancurd
D: 40g bean curd, 40g wheat protein bar, 120g 0% vanilla yoghurt + 1tbsp protein powder
S: 6 sugarfree throat sweets (aargh, am developing an addiction, swore I never would!! Help me Trinnimaria!!)

Exercise:next to none
Ww pro points: 26
Snot expelled from nose: 2.7 litres (approx)

Bit of a shabby food day today really, saved once again by bean curd and spooky protein powder, which I know is frowned upon but I’ve only used it once and it was that or be hungry or break the diet.

Blooming knackered after another long day, made even longer by an evening meeting that wasn’t even in Geneva. Had to haul myself onto the train and dose up on meds in an attempt to sound half human. At least the flight home tomorrow means we’ll have to stop at a reasonable time. Been a super productive week though, so shouldn’t really complain. Can Not Wait for my own bed though.

Hoping to wake up feeling better tomorrow so I can go for a run – otherwise my shiny new running shoes have come all this way for nothing, poor little lambs.
Friday 20[SUP]th[/SUP] July Cruise day 37 PP day

Today has mostly been one big rush!

Not great for food again, although I did manage to stick to PP. My Geneva colleagues are definitely worried about me not eating or something – one of them came over to where I was working and looked at my empty yoghurt pots. “What areyou doing?” I asked. “Just checking that you finished them' she says. Very odd reaction from them all to my weight loss to be honest. I was last there at the start of June, which was just before I began Dukan. I now weigh over a stone less and as I'm short, it notices. When I first got to the office, only one person actually commented that I'd lost weight, but in a kind of awkward way, not in a 'you look great' way.

I know there's been discussions about this and some people like it when others notice while others don't and think it feels like they're basically saying 'oh, you were fat before'. I found the reaction strange, especially as it's people I'm pretty close to. Either I look terrible now so they don't want to say anything or they think it's rude to comment or they've decided I've got an eating disorder and are trying to monitor it! Strange old business.

B: 1 chocolate, 1 blueberry 0% yoghurt (so much better for fat free, sugar free yoghurt choice here, although chocolate wasn't as nice as I'd hoped) 1 ½ tbsp oat bran
L: tin sardines in lemon sauce (oil & sugar free), 30g bean curd
S: sugar free throat sweets
D: 4 crab sticks

Also scored a bottle of sugar free grapefruit flavoured 7 up in the airport. Ah, the wonders of the continent.

Biggest challenge of the diet came today. I'm in Geneva on average once a month, and I have a little ritual on the way home where I stock up on these lovely little canapé things from a place at the airport and have them with a glass of wine either while I'm waiting or on the flight. (Erm, or both.) They are totally delicious and not like anything you can get in the UK. The place that sells them also does the most exquisite pastries and desserts. It was really, really tough to walk by and ignore them. I also LOVE drinking wine on the plane, it just feels like such a treat, especially on the way back from work when you feel you've earned it. Resisting all that was tough but I did it. It's not impossible that I still asked for the wine and just stashed it in my bag. Will pretend I'm on a plane once I get to TW and crack it open. :party0036:

So I've struggled a bit with the Swiss Cheese Joke Challenge, but here goes.

There were two cheese talking in a bar. One was Edam, the other was Cheddar. Edam was telling Cheddar how hard he was and that he wouldn't take any nonsense from anyone. Just then, another cheese walking in and pushed Edam out of the way to get to the bar, spilling Edam's drink in the process. Cheddar said to Edam 'Why did you let him do that? I thought you said you were hard?' Edam replied 'I am, but I'm not messing with him. He's Emmental.'

And here's the 'B side', if you will.

Q: What kind of cheese is a bit minty?

A: A menthol.

So before I get kicked off the stage, I bid you good night!

Cruise day 38 - PP day

I really only have one truly noteworthy piece of news today. Found the holy grail of Dukan. Reduced fat Tesco cocoa powder!! It definitely wasn't there before (and believe me, I've tried over half a dozen central London Tescos trying to find it) so maybe it was just out of stock for a while. Blooming typical though as I've just returned from Geneva with a big tub of fancy organic stuff! Good to know it exists though.

B: 1 duck egg, 100g tofu choc, 30g bean curd
L: 1 frozen yoghurt homemade lollipop, 8 seafood sticks
D: Failed to have it for some reason, will go look now.

Exercise: 40 minute run, 2 hours walking
WW Pro points: 12 so far but am off to scavenge dinner. Just not been hungry today, no idea why
Length of diary: Much more reasonable, don't you think?


PS What kind of cheese can you use to lure a bear out of a wood?


PPS Seem to have lost 0.4 of a pound while away. Didn't think I'd eaten too much but bean curd (which I was pretty much living on) is definitely not getting the same results as pure protein does.
Joodle , I know I'm not on Dukan but I do love following your adventures - however long they are lol. Welcome home, it's good to have you back xx
Great to see you back Joodle, I love reading your posts so keep 'em coming :)

I also much congratulate you, I think you've done superbly to continue with the plan while you've been away, all of your food choices have been conscious and well thought through :) BIG PAT ON THE BACK!

hope you have a good rest after all your travels x
Well done J. It was difficult to just go on hoilday and find Dukan friendly foods for 1 hoilday
For your monthly business trips its going to take some well planning, and Dedication. Is it not possible to stay in an apartment while your there so you have the facilities to cook and a fridge, or even pre book a fridge in an hotel and claim you need it for medical dietery needs. But looking at your stat you did pretty well without them. Have a great Sunday cheezy chop x
Seriously girlfriend, you deserve a Dukan medal for doing so very well whilst you were away. You will be rewarded with a loss this week, I'm sure of it :D

Welcome back to Blighty - we missed you. Although I do Brie-lieve you're a bit Emmenthal yourself, Stilton going on with the cheese jokes! ;)

P x
Seriously girlfriend, you deserve a Dukan medal for doing so very well whilst you were away. You will be rewarded with a loss this week, I'm sure of it :D

Welcome back to Blighty - we missed you. Although I do Brie-lieve you're a bit Emmenthal yourself, Stilton going on with the cheese jokes! ;)

P x

Lol : -)
Yeay doodlebob is back! Welcome home girlfriend! You just won yourself holiday dukaner of the week with those food choices! Showed us all it can be done. Well done you.

I take the men do not shower in Geneva!!!!!!
Well done on the emmenthal jokes!! the bar was set high but you managed to take up the challenge with not one, but two cheesey jokes!! lol Nice work keeping off the weight too hun!! x
Well done on your trip dukaning. as for cheese jokes, keep em coming LOL, funny!!!
Joodle , I know I'm not on Dukan but I do love following your adventures - however long they are lol. Welcome home, it's good to have you back xx

Aw thanks Lose2Win! Do you keep a diary anywhere? Why don't you come on over to Dukan? Great company plus the diet works!!

Well done J. It was difficult to just go on hoilday and find Dukan friendly foods for 1 hoilday
For your monthly business trips its going to take some well planning, and Dedication. Is it not possible to stay in an apartment while your there so you have the facilities to cook and a fridge, or even pre book a fridge in an hotel and claim you need it for medical dietery needs. But looking at your stat you did pretty well without them. Have a great Sunday cheezy chop x

Great advice Sid. I think next time I will definitely find a hotel with a fridge at least - that will make all the difference. I don't mind having to be a bit prepared. Tend to work long hours while away so although taking an apartment would be ideal, I still don't think I'd find time to cook. But fridge, yes, good idea, will make that my one, diva-like stipulation when booking!
Thanks for all the welcome back comments dear Dukanette buddies! It helped so much knowing you were all here - that's why I kept my diary as I knew it would help if I pictured myself writing it to you all. Am glad I know it can be done with a lot of advance prep. Saying that, I still have official weigh in tomorrow so we shall see!

Had a lovely day in the sun today. Ran through parks, shopped at a farmers' market, went round to see my wee nephew and sister, had a liaison with the Too Young Man in another park then home to a major cook in for next week. Had a killer moment at the market mind you. There's only a couple of weeks of beautiful Kent cherries left and I'll be gutted if I miss them. Might have to cheat and have some if I'm not at TW soon...can't bear the thought of having to wait until next summer for a taste. Am so surprised that my main problem hasn't been with chocolate or crisps but with fruit. Think it's the seasonal thing - I know chocolate and crisps will be here when I'm at TW, but those honey mangoes and strawberries and aforementioned cherries go out of season soon. We'll see.

B: 8 crab sticks, 1 egg,
S: 1 oyster (at the market, I don't just shuck my own for breakfast)
L: Celery soup with 3 quails eggs poached in it, 30g smoked salmon
S: 1 wheat protein bar, 4 prawns,
D: 3 small Thai fish cakes, 1 'blueberry' muffin

Exercise: 50 mins run, 1hr55mins walk
WW pro points: 15 (ridiculously low, don't know what's come over me but that's only about 600 calories which is ludicrous and will probably set me into starvation shut down mode)
Number of muffins accidentally baked with cream of tartar instead of baking powder: 6 (Not good....)

Tried the super strong flavourings I got online for the first time. 3 drops of blueberry in the muffin mix. Didn't seem likely that the flavour would actually change but it really did! Am going to experiment with the others and check I"m not imagining it. The other half of the mix had a scant tablespoon of this milled linseed and goji berry mix. Will report back tomorrow.

Am super excited about tomorrow incidentally. I have managed to get a ticket to the technical rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games! I feel faint just thinking about it. Have done my homework and we're allowed to take food so my Dukan picnic is all ready in the fridge. It's going to be amazing, I absolutely can't pretend not to be deliriously excited about the whole thing!

Think I got through about half the diaries I need to catch up on - will try to finish the rest tomorrow.

Wishing all Monday weighers good luck!


PS One for Trudy and Ellie:

What cheese would you use to hide a very small horse?

I'm well jell, not only Paulines oh, how
Yep, am pretty excited! I've packed my volunteer uniform as they said we should wear it's the ugliest thing in the world mind you so may change my mind when I get there!

My excitement about the ceremony rehearsal is being slightly dampened by the fact that I have a meeting at 2pm with the guys who own the chain of pubs whose hatch I fell down. I'm dreading it, just dreading it. I have visions of them being these two huge guys in suits with a mission to make out that it was somehow my fault. I really am not relishing the prospect of trying to negotiate with them. I just want them to say they would like to give me some money to say sorry and then forget about it. Anyway, will see what happens. I guess I can always say I'd like to think about it, whatever they come up with.

Blurgh. Hopefully once that's done I can concentrate on being fully excitable!

Oh, and forgot, I actaully came here to say I only lost a measly 0.4lb last week. So de-motivating after all my efforts last week - I can totally relate to everyone else in the same boat, yep, that's you Becky, Sara and all. Shall attempt to stay strong and carry on and hope for better news next week. But if this is what it's going to be like for the last few pounds, I'm going to find it tough.

Saying that, I'm hoping it's down, at least in part, to the missing toilet fairy. Am carrying out a full offensive today, having rhurbarb, shirataki noodles, spicy soup, muffins with linseed and goji berries, cold water...etc. Hang on, I've just realised that I've barely had any oat bran in 3 days. That probably doesn't help. Hmm, the dangers of getting out of a routine huh?

Am also wondering if I just wasn't eating quite enough - I had some really low WW propoints days which I thought would have helped but maybe I've gone into starvation mode a bit. So this week I will eat more. Dukan friendly more, but more nonetheless. Any other advice gratefully received!
