Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

Hi folks, I'm still here! Sorry for not posting but it's been a crazy few weeks with lots of travel for work - got back late last night so will update properly over the weekend

Hope you're all doing well! Jx
About bloody time xxx
Haha, alright Sid, I deserved that!

Thanks for your earlier replies, Jo, Katie and Pauline - I am hear to report that the 16:8 hasn't exactly been a roaring success. Well, in some ways it has as I've found it relatively easy, it's made me realise that I'm hungry a lot less frequently than I think and I need much smaller amounts to fill me up than I used to.

But frustratingly, this hasn't translated into any weight loss! It's actually the first time I've tried a diet and stuck to it and it hasn't worked. Same with 5:2 actually, although I suspect with that I was eating too much on the 5 non-fast days. With this, there have been days I've been under 1000 cals and I've still not lost weight. I do still tend to eat late at night, although the 16:8 has definitely helped with this as I know I have to trade off eating late at night with a later start to eating the next day, but still, I've been shocked by the fact that I've not lost weight.

So I am officially back to the Dukan drawing board and will be hopping on the bus tomorrow morning. I'm kind of disappointed as I've read so much positive stuff online with people saying this has worked for them and as I found it pretty easy, I had high hopes that this could be my new lifestyle approach. Too good to be true I guess, but I am disappointed nonetheless.

Oh, and the non-daily weighing lasted about 10 days before I caved and bought new batteries. I think I just like weighing daily so I can keep an eye on things. Weirdly, while I was not weighing and doing 16:8, I was convinced I was losing weight. THen I got on the scales 10 days later and not even a fraction of a pound had gone! Shows what tricks our minds can play on us!

So this afternoon I will be Dukanising my fridge and getting ready for tomorrow. I'm actually going to keep up the 16:8 thing too, as I do think it helps me stop eating so late at night and I'm still intrigued by the benefits of fasting. Did you notice any benefits while you were doing it Po and Katie? Aside from weight loss I mean. What I can't work out is if a 16 hour period without food is enough to be beneficial. Thoughts?

Right, I'm off to catch up with you all, sorry for my disappearance but really, it has been a bit insane. So relieved that I'm in London until the 14th Nov now - 2 weeks without a flight, yay!

Joodle x
So far so good. Day 2 of being back on it properly and I feel in the zone. But I know I can do this as a short term measure, so am constantly thinking how I'm going to keep the weight stable forever.

But for now I'll just keep focused on staying carb free and stopping eating when full, which is still a challenge. Off to finish Paul Mc and try to emulate Pauline's new found serenity.

In other news, work is just crazy and I'm barely staying afloat, but know it will get easier after 22 Nov. Bring it on!

Glad you're posting again Joodles... I must admit that I didn't quite get the 16:8 thing. Friends of mine who do Ramadan (which must be more of a 20:4 when it falls in the summer!) always complain at not losing weight despite the fast! Do our bodies hang onto what we do eat after a period of fasting for fear that there's no more coming? Who knows! Have you tried a more Judddd like approach varying your calorie intake from day to day and "shocking" your metabolism? Some find that works for them. Mind you, I'd say staying stable over any period of time without bingeing is a RESULT frankly!
Hey joodle, glad to see you're back in London! Catch up with you soon. I need to hop back on that dukan bus with you... Cx
I've shuffled up Caro, come on in!

Jo, I really don't quite know what to make of the IF thing. Sometimes I think it's great and I always enjoy getting hungry in the mornings and I can feel my tummy's shrunk so I'm eating less overall during the day. I think the problem for me is that when I get to eating, I forget the rules of eating slowly and stopping when full so that probably counteracts things. JUDD is also interesting but psychologically too hard. A whole day of low cal every other day is just not enjoyable for me. Will keep playing around with things. I know what I'm aiming for, just have to find a long term way if making it work.

Meanwhile, I just want to lose the 10lbs I've put on so going back to Dukan to at least deal with that. Sigh.

Just in from work but wanted to quickly check in and say I'm back in the zone and doing well. Fasting 16 hours, eating Dukan for 8 but with maybe a little extra fat and it's working so far and I'm loving feeling in control again and not having cravings. Long may it last, although I know it's not the weight loss part I need to worry about but staying in the zone and keeping it off!

Will catch up on diaries tomorrow and see how everyone's getting on. Jx

Have you ever 'Atkins-ed'? That is kinda Dukan with added fat.

Love ya (swirly hands)
P x
I have tried Atkins P, back when it first got in the headlines. First time I'd dabbled with low carb and it amazed me. Just couldn't believe how well it worked. Lost tons and thankfully have never got back to that weight again and have probably always treated carbs a bit more carefully since then. Unless I'm deliberately binging!

What I'm trying is a bit of an Atkins/ Dukan hybrid, Atukan if you will. So I'm eating veg every day but sticking to 20g of carbs a day and keeping it a bit lower fat than Atkins.

So the oatbran is out for now and the low fat options allowed on Dukan are too, eg low fat dairy.

But I get to eat cheese (some of you may have noticed I quite like cheese) and cream, which more than makes up for the lost flexibility of the oatbran.

I feel brilliant. The daily fasts are super easy now, really, I'm finding them a breeze and don't usually feel like eating for several hours after I'm 'allowed' to. So bizarre. Maybe it won't last but for now I'm loving it. 3lbs down in a week which is also a nice start, but mostly I'm enjoying feeling back in control and energised rather than anaesthetised by my food.

Colette, I don't eat meat but I do eat fish. To be honest, my menus are pretty similar to Dukan, just with cheese. So lots of quorn, tofu, seitan, seafood and fish. And eggs of course!

Oh, and am doing much better at stopping when full, but if I let my guard down even for a minute, I'm back to over-eating again. Still, some progress is being made!

And my focus and concentration has gone through the roof - as in got loads better. I'm so in the zone at work. Busier than it's ever been - usually I'd be super stressed but I'm just storming through my to do list and feeling zen. Not necessarily attributing that to the diet, but am fairly sure I would have felt more sluggish while eating the rubbish I'd been allowing myself before.

Oh lawks, look at how much I've written again. Must learn to be succinct. Maybe bullet points next time?

Joodle....I'm really interested to read your post.

I also followed the Atkins diets about 10 years ago and had a good loss, about 3 stone altogether and kept it off for a good while too. Like you, it really made me aware just how bad carbs are for you and I've never really liked eating them since. However...I LOVE them! Especially potatoes!! Pasta doesn't bother me, rice I like with a curry but potatoes, I am addicted to. I cook chips in my actifry, so they are a healthier option but even so, I just cannot lose weight while eating carbs. I can maintain, but I cant lose!!

I have wanted to get back to low carbing for a long time now as I know its the only way forward.

Dukan has really got me back into the mindset......but again, like you, in the back of my mind, now I have got past the hard bit, I am tempted to add some atkins things back into my daily plan....and obviously cut out some low fat Dukan bits! I am feeling quite torn, I want to eat 'fat' and would kill for a chunk of cheese!!
For some reason, I am finding the Dukan very bland and I cant seem to think 'outside the box' for meals, most unlike me, I usually embrace any diet and get right into it but the food choice is so limited that part of me thinks I won't be able to keep this up for weeks on end.

For now, though I am stocked up with low fat yogurt and cottage cheese so I will need to eat that before I make the swap...if indeed I do!!!

Why am I always tempted by something other than what I'm doing...especially as its working!

I'll be interested to see your progress!! Good luck
- Ok then P.
Lentil, sounds like you can stick with pure Dukan a little longer. As we know, the losing bit is relatively easy and if you stick 100% to any diet, you'll lose weight. So the key is finding one you can stick to forever, plus with the right psychological mindset. Cheese is really helping for me (!) but I know it's still early days and motivation is high, especially with regular rewards from the scales.

I'm like you though - I absolutely know I will not lose weight with carbs. I need to find a way of keeping off them, even with the weight gone. Not keeping off them completely once at TW, but just having them as special treats rather than the bulk of my diet.

We shall see!

Fantastic Joodle xxx
I only ever have my bread and cheese after about 8pm cos I know if I had it in the morning I would be wanting more all day - I have a cheese toastie for supper :)
Smart thinking Scoot. I'm still trying to eat earlier as sometimes I leave it late and then hate going to be bed full. Love how everyone finds things that work for them though.

How long have you maintained now Scoot?