Haha, alright Sid, I deserved that!
Thanks for your earlier replies, Jo, Katie and Pauline - I am hear to report that the 16:8 hasn't exactly been a roaring success. Well, in some ways it has as I've found it relatively easy, it's made me realise that I'm hungry a lot less frequently than I think and I need much smaller amounts to fill me up than I used to.
But frustratingly, this hasn't translated into any weight loss! It's actually the first time I've tried a diet and stuck to it and it hasn't worked. Same with 5:2 actually, although I suspect with that I was eating too much on the 5 non-fast days. With this, there have been days I've been under 1000 cals and I've still not lost weight. I do still tend to eat late at night, although the 16:8 has definitely helped with this as I know I have to trade off eating late at night with a later start to eating the next day, but still, I've been shocked by the fact that I've not lost weight.
So I am officially back to the Dukan drawing board and will be hopping on the bus tomorrow morning. I'm kind of disappointed as I've read so much positive stuff online with people saying this has worked for them and as I found it pretty easy, I had high hopes that this could be my new lifestyle approach. Too good to be true I guess, but I am disappointed nonetheless.
Oh, and the non-daily weighing lasted about 10 days before I caved and bought new batteries. I think I just like weighing daily so I can keep an eye on things. Weirdly, while I was not weighing and doing 16:8, I was convinced I was losing weight. THen I got on the scales 10 days later and not even a fraction of a pound had gone! Shows what tricks our minds can play on us!
So this afternoon I will be Dukanising my fridge and getting ready for tomorrow. I'm actually going to keep up the 16:8 thing too, as I do think it helps me stop eating so late at night and I'm still intrigued by the benefits of fasting. Did you notice any benefits while you were doing it Po and Katie? Aside from weight loss I mean. What I can't work out is if a 16 hour period without food is enough to be beneficial. Thoughts?
Right, I'm off to catch up with you all, sorry for my disappearance but really, it has been a bit insane. So relieved that I'm in London until the 14th Nov now - 2 weeks without a flight, yay!
Joodle x