Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

Hooray! So glad you found the ring. And Christmas challenge, here we come!
I am so glad you found your ring Joodles, I always lose jewellery when drunk but my rings usually turn up in the bottom of my handbag thank god.
Haha Katie, what are we like?!?

Right, need to formulate some proper mini goals for the Christmas and exercise challenges. So far today has been great - I've refocused on the key principles from Paul McKenna and it's calmed me right down. Eating when hungry, stopping when full and savouring every mouthful. Must. Keep. Going.

Love Paul McKenna, he's so 'sensible'! Going to dig my audio out for the train tomorrow (ha ... how hip do I sound?!) ;)

Cheers Joodleoodleoodleoodlebob

P x
Wow, for the train?! Brave. I always listen to it thinking "well, this isn't working is it?" Then come to my senses half an hour later with him going "3...2...1 you are now awake" or whatever he says at the end. Don't think I've consciously heard more than 3 minutes of the thing!!

It is the thing I keep coming back to though as I know it makes a huge difference and calms me down about food.

Let me know how you get on Pol. Xx
Ooh I've never been tempted to do Paul McKenna, I'm too much of a control freak I think. But I suppose it's another way of realigning your thinking and behaviour towards food, or is it something else?
Yeah, that's kind of it Katie. It's about reprogramming your mind so you stop overeating. The idea is that diets don't really work long term so it's better to change your attitude towards food.

I definitely think it's helpful - I got it out of the library before buying my own copy cos I keep going back to it.
Another must try,
So I had some good and controlled days over the weekend...and then lost it a bit last night. Not sure why as I'd been in control all day, had quite a late lunch so wasn't starving for dinner.

My Dad came down unexpectedly so I cooked and portioned myself up a very sensible meal knowing it would fill me up. It did, but then I decided to have some bread and cheese for afters. No idea why and although I didn't have a crazy huge amount, I was too full and had a terrible night's sleep as a result. Really uncomfortable. I am trying to bottle that feeling so I remember to be more aware in future. Eating too much is not a reward, it's a punishment which makes me feel horrible. Come on brain, it's not that hard a concept to get your head round!
I am going to see if I can find that Paul McKenna audio over here - I need some mental adjusting! <Off to bing>
Loving the ring story. Isn't it funny how, when we lose something, if we find it again, it's somewhere we've never been, so how on earth?!!
I've also found in the past, when turning cupboards, rooms, flat/house upside down looking for something, it often suffices to give up. Sleep on it. And the next morning I know exactly where it is! Strange but it's happened more than once!
Maybe it's the looming 5 0 which is making me even more forgetful than usual. Mind you, I never forget to eat! :D
Glad you found your ring sweetie!! Its funny coz i was just talking about you falling down that hatch with Steve (mr H&S man).

You so brighten up the place love to read what you have been up too, you have even restored my hope in Mr McKenna!! x
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Yes Jude your a breath of fresh air xxx
<eew @ cheesey breath>
Hahaha! You lot crack me up! And not just cheesy - I put too much garlic in the soup I had tonight so it's garlicky cheesy breathe. Mmm, sometimes I really do wonder why I'm single....

But thank you for your comments Colette and Sid, it's very sweet of you.

So I've not posted in my diary for about a week cos it's been super hectic! Last Sunday my diary for the week ahead was looking blissfully empty and I was looking forward to evenings of domestic bliss and wholesomeness. Then Dad came down unexpectedly on Monday and Tuesday, a friend asked if she could stay on Wednesday, I had to go up to my new flat on Thursday evening for a last minute meeting about some communal works and then on Friday my lovely cousin arrived from Australia and I've been in full hosting mode ever since.

After my disaster last Monday when I ate way too much for no reason, things got a little better...I think. I say 'I think' because the battery from my scale ran out last Saturday so I haven't been able to weigh myself for over a week. I normally would have replaced the battery immediately but I remember all you telling me not to weigh every day so I thought I'd give it a go. It's been torture! I don't think there's been more than one or max two days I've failed to weigh myself when at home in, ooh, almost 30 years, so it has felt very strange indeed. Not really in a good way - I have no idea what's going on and I feel fatter than ever but can't check if that's true or not. How do you all cope without daily weigh ins???!

So after I cooked for Dad we went out for a meal on Tuesday and that was fine - I ate slowly, ordered two starters instead of a starter and a main and actually asked for a doggy bag. Plus we ate reasonably early so I didn't eat after 8.30 which is rare for me. Then the Wednesday was ok - made soup for my friend with corn on the cob to start and then bread and cheese....and a bottle of wine between us, ahem. Then Thursday was amazing because I ate lunch late then had to race half way round London to this meeting and by the time I got home it was almost 10.30pm so I decided it was too late to eat and went to bed feeling light and fabulous, rather than stuffed and uncomfortable as usual.

Friday was also ok because although we ate out, again, I ate slowly and we shared a few dishes so I didn't feel I'd over eaten, although we certainly over-drank!

Saturday was a lot of walking as we went down to see my cousin and her kids (her husband is making a miraculous recovery and might be allowed to travel back to the UK this week. Fingers crossed!) We had a pub lunch and I was far too full but then we had a reasonably light dinner (out again) so actually, I only had two meals that day and no snacking.

Yesterday I did an hour long run (in the rain, purely because I wanted to reach my target from the exercise challenge thread which is a good thing, even though at the time it felt like a bad thing!) and some walking but ate too much and too late for dinner. Grrr.

So the big thing I've been trying, as well as the stopping eating when full, which still proves very tricky, is to go 16 hours a day without eating. This maybe sounds more dramatic than it is. The idea came from the fast diet (or 5:2 diet). The theory is that going longer periods without food gives your body a chance to reset itself and the time you're not eating allows your body to focus on repairing itself etc. I found the 5:2 pretty hard to be honest - the fast days were tough, more psychologically than anything - and I was over-compensating on the non-fast days. This variation means you're not limiting your calories on any day of the week, but every day you're restricting the window in which you're allowed to eat to just 8 hours. So if I finish dinner at 8pm, I just have to wait until 12pm the next day to eat. So it's not crazy. The problem is that I tend to eat late at night, which means I sometimes have to wait until 2 or 3pm the next day to eat BUT, the amazing thing is that I now realise this so I've been stopping earlier so as to avoid having to wait too long to eat the next day.

What it also does is shrink your stomach, so I've been finding I can't eat that much before feeling uncomfortable. Annoyingly I do still plough on and eat until I'm uncomfortably full, but at least that point comes sooner than it did. Ok, this is still far from ideal, I do realise that!!

Without weighing myself I can't really tell if it's working to be honest, but I do feel like I've eaten less than I usually would have and I like that it's sort of coercing me into stopping eating earlier in the evening. However I really, really need to work on my 'I'm full, I should stop eating now' button. I start off so well - eating slowly, chewing my food properly....then I decide I'm full but I still want to eat. Grrrr.

Right, sorry for the long post but it's been about a week and I really am trying to make sense of what's going on in my head and to overcome it. If this doesn't work I think I'm going to go back on super strict Dukan for a few weeks to jump start things, but like Jo (Maintainer), I'm trying to find a way to eat what I want, more or less, without having to resort to something as restrictive as full blown Dukan.

My big dilemma now is whether or not to get a new battery for the scale! I do feel very lost without the daily weigh in, but I can kind of see that it's good to give myself a chance to be free from it. However I now don't know where I'm at and don't want to carry on with this 16:8 hour balance if it's not working at all. What do you all think?

Joodle x
Oh, and as if I haven't posted enough tonight (!), I should add that today has been pretty good. Having over-eaten last night, eating right up until 10.30pm, I then had to wait until 2.30pm before I was allowed to eat today. I was full all morning and didn't even feel hunger pangs until nearer 3pm, so I actually waited until 4pm to eat and even then I wasn't ravenous. Blew it a bit by eating too much at that point, even though in the grand scheme of things it wasn't that much, it still made me uncomfortably full. Then got home and nibbled a bit but realised I wasn't actually hungry and didn't want to have to wait too late to eat again tomorrow so stopped at 9.30 (I know it's late, but that's pretty good for me, especially as I was gearing up to have a proper meal) and now I don't feel full and uncomfortable. Result! Still annoyed I got too full earlier today but am going to focus on the positives for now.

Tomorrow the plan is to go a whole day without getting over-full. I am going to stop eating before I get full and wait until I'm hungry to eat. Just one day, that's all I have to worry about for now. I can do it....:girlpower:

I think that I don't need to rush out and buy the new Bridget Jones' Diary ..... when I can ready Joodleoodlebob's Diary! :D

On a serious (!) note, I think the benefits of the fasting diet in whatever form (5:2, JUDDD or 16-hours) are amazeballs and if you can get beyond the 'stuffing yourself silly on eating days' (which I couldn't), then this is a brilliant way forward.

Much love
P x
Joodles, I'm not going to be much help with the quandary of the scales, as staying off them is a real struggle for me. I would love to say I only weighed daily but it's more like several times a day. I am desperately trying to stay off them now I am in conso but it's hard. Maybe I should just take the battery out of mine and have done with it?

On the 16/8 eating window diet thing, if it works for you then brilliant, I flirted with Judd for a couple of weeks on one of my many hiatuses from dukan and lost about 7lb, I only gave it up because it played havoc with my blood sugars. However it taught me a lot about the way I eat, and the difference between real hunger and emotional/boredom/mindless eating. It was definitely a good way for me to learn to recognise when I was full, but also when I was hungry. I hope that makes sense.
Morning my lovelies and I too really enjoyed your post Joodles... don't even shorten them!

For the scales, why not buy your batteries, get your weigh in tomorrow morning, then remove the battery (and put it somewhere awkward to reach) until next Friday morning? I used to be a real manic weigherinner(!) but, since stopping Dukan, I've been upset by unjustified weigh ins mid week so do try to keep off them midweek now. I'm getting used to it, although I used to have to drink something first thing on the way to the loo to put myself off getting on them when I got back!!

Interesting stuff re the 16 hour thing. I eat my last mouthful most days at around 9pm (my frozen yoghurt usually cedes by then!). And I never eat breakfast until 10 or 1015, so I realise that, naturally, I don't eat for 13 hours. Whether 16 would make any difference is anyone's guess, but I'm usually hungry at 10am... (and don't they say that breakfast kick starts the metabolism? or is that a load of rubbish?)

Let us know how you get on... I wanted to visit more diaries but out of time
I feel bad posting such a short message after your epic posts but just wanted to say hi :) you sound really in control of the food right now, great to hear! The fasting does sound more manageable the way you're doing it, but I am a very early eater... Usually have coffee with my muffin before 7, even on weekends :) so I'll have to think about it... Maybe weekdays?

Big hugs, Cxx