Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

Wow! That is so amazing, well done, J. I am jumping up and down for you. Can't believe you just have 5 lbs to go... It sounds like we might even be getting to conso around the same time! Race you there :)

As for owner, there is no way they will make an offer before hearing your side. He has probably been given legal advice by this point, which is why he is being evasive. If he admits any responsibility or negligence now, you could sue the hell out of them.

So I would sit down and write down some reasonable demands, don't be shy, perhaps get free legal advice if you can find it, otherwise google research. and then politely email him. No need to do this face to face if you feel uncomfortable. But just keep reminding yourself that it could have been much worse. And if you take stronger action it could at least make them take better safety measures in future. Plus their insurance will likely pay for this.

Maybe that sounds tough, but I'd they had made more effort to compensate you themselves or at least apologize properly, I would feel more sorry for them. Grrrr, still makes me angry.
And make sure you take pictures of ALL injuries before they heal up!
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Oh my catching up with your diary made me want a lie down. Glad to hear you're healing well from your ordeal and glad you enjoyed your glass of wine. Life is for living xx
Call me old-fashioned, but I don't believe in making inflated claims on insurance, mine or anybody else's. I certainly wouldn't start googling, you'll find yourself in the clutches of some no-win no-fee company that specialises in personal injury claims and pushes everyone's premiums right up. That said, though, I would certainly ask for your taxi fare, dry-cleaning bill, loss of earnings, and compensation for any long-term consequences of your injuries (scarring, for instance). it would be nice to think they would bollard-off the hatch before opening it in future, but I guess there's no guarantee of that. Glad you're on the mend and good luck whatever you do xx
Fantastic loss & well below that 9st mark now so profile must be online this week & that's official :)

As for thinking about what to ask for, take your time & think about it. Nothing you've said is demanding at all but just make sure there no further damage yet to surface x
Wow! That is so amazing, well done, J. I am jumping up and down for you. Can't believe you just have 5 lbs to go... It sounds like we might even be getting to conso around the same time! Race you there :)


Noooo, no competitive dieting please!! I'm super competitive too, but need this place to be calm and supportive otherwise I'll just end up driving myself nuts with food. But competitive killer squats...that I can do!!

Thanks for all the advice folks. I'm with Sara on this - I've drafted an email to the guy saying look, I've got these cuts and bruises which are sore now but will heal. I've blood on my clothes and bag and needed a taxi and I lost a day of work which I'm making up this week with long hours as I work for a charity and don't want it to suffer. I don't want to be part of a suing culture but do think it would be fair if they want to offer me something as compensation. But my main points are about wanting to know what they're doing to stop it ever happening again. Imagine if it had been someone elderly or, I dread to think, a pregnant woman.

I want to resolve it quickly and reasonably. Will re-read what I drafted tomorrow before I send it.

Today was Cruise day 26. Decided on a PV day as although yesterday was PV, I only had 3 spears of asparagus as veg and with two PP days before that, am worrying I'm not eating enough veg.

After the delight of the scales first thing, I thought I might let myself go a little crazy, but in the end didn't feel like it. Also, speaking to the guy from the pub shook me up a bit for some reason. Just found it weird that he didn't really apologise and was just kind of asking what I wanted and he also implied he would sack the guy who lifted the hatch. I say quite clearly in the reply I've drafted that it was up to him what he did with his staff but that I felt it was a problem with procedures rather than an individual and not to dismiss anyone on my behalf. Still made me feel weird though.

B: 100g fromage frais, stewed rhubarb, 2 choc orange muffins
S: choc orange muffin
L: egg, 150g celery, cucumber + pepper sticks, 1 tbsp yoghurt and cream cheese dip, 40g beancurd spacebar
S: 1/2 slice dukan quiche, 1/2 pack weight watchers sugar free strawberry sweets
D: 3/4 of a whole butternut squash. How?!?, 1 veggie sausage

Exercise: 90 mins walking
WW pro points: 19

Think I've found a little cheat food that isn't perfect Dukan but isn't bad and could change my life!! It's flavouring for popcorn but I had a suspicion that shaken on fat free roasted chipped veg (like squash, celeriac, swede...) it could taste like the love child of roast vegetables and pringles. Well, it kind of does! It's the powdered flavouring, you only use a tiny bit, and it tastes just like sour cream and chive pringle flavouring. There are a few different types, I got the sour cream and onion as well as the butter one but there's a ton more, including salt and vinegar, nacho cheddar and sweet ones too. 2 calories per serving and although the salt is a little high, it's not too bad as a treat, right? Sprinkled the different flavours on the butternut squash wedges and my god it was good! A healthy fat pringle if you will.

good for you, Joodle, and well done for taking a day to think about this. i honestly don't think this is so much about the money, as much as standing up for your rights and being assertive. look at how bad this whole thing is making you feel already!

your demands are reasonable, and there is no need to inflate the claim. but so many women end up downplaying this kind of thing because they don't want to make a scene, or worse, taking the blame ('i should have been looking where i was going...').

asking for compensation for medical fees, transport, damage to your clothing and lose of working hours does not make you part of a suing culture, and i think you will feel better with yourself afterwards if you ask for what is fair.

as for googling and legal advise, i'm not saying go out and hire a lawyer. but you should at least be aware of your rights, so that a guy like this doesn't take advantage of you. knowledge is power!

sorry if i'm sounding like an ultra feminist, but this is the kind of conversation i have to have with myself before i get into a tough discussion, because my first reaction is just to cave in and agree to what the other person says :)
Thanks for all the advice folks. I'm with Sara on this - I've drafted an email to the guy saying look, I've got these cuts and bruises which are sore now but will heal. I've blood on my clothes and bag and needed a taxi and I lost a day of work which I'm making up this week with long hours as I work for a charity and don't want it to suffer. I don't want to be part of a suing culture but do think it would be fair if they want to offer me something as compensation. But my main points are about wanting to know what they're doing to stop it ever happening again. Imagine if it had been someone elderly or, I dread to think, a pregnant woman.

I want to resolve it quickly and reasonably. Will re-read what I drafted tomorrow before I send it.

Today was Cruise day 26. Decided on a PV day as although yesterday was PV, I only had 3 spears of asparagus as veg and with two PP days before that, am worrying I'm not eating enough veg.

After the delight of the scales first thing, I thought I might let myself go a little crazy, but in the end didn't feel like it. Also, speaking to the guy from the pub shook me up a bit for some reason. Just found it weird that he didn't really apologise and was just kind of asking what I wanted and he also implied he would sack the guy who lifted the hatch. I say quite clearly in the reply I've drafted that it was up to him what he did with his staff but that I felt it was a problem with procedures rather than an individual and not to dismiss anyone on my behalf. Still made me feel weird though.

B: 100g fromage frais, stewed rhubarb, 2 choc orange muffins
S: choc orange muffin
L: egg, 150g celery, cucumber + pepper sticks, 1 tbsp yoghurt and cream cheese dip, 40g beancurd spacebar
S: 1/2 slice dukan quiche, 1/2 pack weight watchers sugar free strawberry sweets
D: 3/4 of a whole butternut squash. How?!?, 1 veggie sausage

Exercise: 90 mins walking
WW pro points: 19

Think I've found a little cheat food that isn't perfect Dukan but isn't bad and could change my life!! It's flavouring for popcorn but I had a suspicion that shaken on fat free roasted chipped veg (like squash, celeriac, swede...) it could taste like the love child of roast vegetables and pringles. Well, it kind of does! It's the powdered flavouring, you only use a tiny bit, and it tastes just like sour cream and chive pringle flavouring. There are a few different types, I got the sour cream and onion as well as the butter one but there's a ton more, including salt and vinegar, nacho cheddar and sweet ones too. 2 calories per serving and although the salt is a little high, it's not too bad as a treat, right? Sprinkled the different flavours on the butternut squash wedges and my god it was good! A healthy fat pringle if you will.


The chocolate and marshmallow one looks tempting...what to sprinkle it on though? Creme fraiche?
Cruise day 24 - PP

A funny think happened on my way towork this morning....

Actually, I was on my way to an 8amphysio appointment. Have had a hip problem for the last year whichhas stopped me running (actually stopped me walking for the first fewmonths) and still gives me a fair bit of grief. My amazing NHSphysio guy has been giving me acupuncture for the pain as well asexercise to try to sort it out. Hadn't been for 5 weeks and wasreally really looking forward to the pain relief it brings.

So off I went, muffins made stupidlylate last night wrapped up in my bag, ipod on, brolly up, in a prettygood mood, despite the rain. Turn the corner out of my flat, walk bythe pub at the end of the road and....the ground gives way beneathme. Well, it didn't so much give way – I was aware that I hadstepped onto one half of the hatch, you know, the ones that go downto the cellar of the pub for deliveries, and as I did so, it wasopened from below. Weirdest sensation – I just didn't know whatwas happening and could feel myself bumping down but had no idea howfar I was falling. Everything really did go in slow motion. Then Iwas aware of some guy trying to help me up and saying he didn't knowwhat had happened and then I was on my feet looking down at the blooddripping onto the ground and my bag and myself.

Realised I'd fallen down the hatch andjust sort of stood there, doing some kind of body scan to figure outhow bad it was. The guy who had opened the hatch kept saying 'Idon't know what happened, I don't know what happened' to which Ireplied 'You opened the hatch without checking whether anyone wasabove it, that's what happened'. I'm usually a very nice person anddon't like seeing other people feel uncomfortable, but although Iwasn't shouting or anything, I definitely wasn't being my usual 'ohdon't worry, not your fault' self. Then some other chap peeredthrough the hatch and laughingly asked 'didn't you see the openhatch?' to which I replied, 'No, it wasn't open. I was walking alongand this guy opened the hatch while I was on it'. His face fellinstantly when he realised it wasn't my fault, it was theirs.

Then other staff appeared (quite a lotof people there considering it's a pub and it was 7.30am) and someonegave me some paper towel to mop up the blood and someone else arrivedwith a first aid kit.

At this point I realised I was shakingand feeling a bit funny and although I didn't think I was seriouslyhurt, I was definitely in some mild form of shock. One of themstarted saying he was going to call an ambulance and I was like'Don't be ridiculous, this is not a time to call an ambulance,ambulances are for emergencies' in quite a harsh way which is alsonot like me at all.

After they faffed around a bit tryingto shove various items from the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] aid kit at me, (theidiot who had opened the hatch in the first place had decided toprioritise cleaning my blood off the floor) I started to get anxiousabout missing my physio appointment. It was also boiling hot in thekitchen and I was starting to feel faint so I asked them to get meout of there and to call me a taxi. Upstairs I started to feelreally faint so lay down with my feet in the air like you're meantto. The slightly hapless shift manager, with genuine fear in hiseyes, kept asking what he could do but was completely unable to thinkof anything useful and I wasn't really in the mood for patientlyexplaining what he might want to do to help. I knew they were justpetrified I would report them but had very little sympathy to behonest.

Got out of there as fast as I could andhad a bit of a shaky moment in the taxi but was finally able to tellthe driver where I was going. I apologised for being a bit all overthe place saying I'd just had a fall. Taxi driver started saying 'ohwell, at least it's nothing serious' and then he looked back at meand saw my left arm covered with blood and was like 'oh my god, whathappened?!' Anyway, he was dead nice and I was actually feelinggreat at this point. Think it was some kind of weird shock mixedwith adrenalin, as I was just chatting and laughing with him andbeing completely fine. He kept looking back at me and then went'You're a lot tougher than you look, I've had grown men in herecrying over smaller things than that.' Hopped out the taxi, ran into my physio so as not to be late and was told to wait in the waitingroom. After a minute I realised I was just stood there covered inblood so I buzzed them again and went 'um, sorry, while I'm waiting,is there anywhere I can get cleaned up. I've had a bit of anaccident and there's some blood'. So one of the guys comes out andgoes 'oh my god, that's not just some blood' and took me to getcleaned up. Then my lovely physio came out (we usually just muckaround and take the piss out of each other, he's great) and freakedme out by being genuinely shocked and caring.

They got me cleaned up and then I hadthe acupuncture and then as I was getting dressed I kept finding morecuts all over my legs and arms and some of them were quite deep sothe physio guys sent me off to the minor injuries unit at St Barts toget checked over.

At this point I was getting hungry andcraving something sweet and carby. But today's Friday which meanstomorrow marks the end of the first 4 weeks of Dukan and I justdidn't want to get this near and not be able to say I'd managed afull 4 weeks without cheating. Luckily I had my muffins with me sohad one of them then stopped in a cafe on my way to the hospital fora latte. They only had semi-skimmed milk but I figured that's stillonly 2% fat and seeing as you're allowed 5% fat cheese, it should beok. Plus, I really, really needed something hot and sweet, even ifit was sweetener sweet rather than sugar sweet. Please don't tell meI cheated by having semi-skimmed milk.

Inevitably had to wait ages at St Bartsbut was finally seen and cleaned up and bandaged and sent on my way. I'd texted my boss just as I got to physio to say I'd be a bit latein as I needed to go and get changed as my clothes had blood on them. He was brilliant and just said not to be ridiculous and to take therest of the day off. I was adamant I would just get changed thencome in once I'd been to the hospital.

Anyway, once I left the hospital Ithink the adrenalin started to wear off and the cuts and bruisedstarted to get really sore and I started to feel a bit funny, so Ihad another muffin (resisting the quite strong instinct to get somechocolate) and got on the bus home.

I've been swinging between feelingcompletely exhausted and completely hyper all day though - no idea ifthis is normal after a bit of a shock. Sat on the sofa like a zombiefor an hour then had a manic session dealing with work emails andcatching up on minimins (amazing how much you miss if you don't postfor a day!), then zombied again and then had an insane cooking frenzywhich lasted 3 hours. Made salmon with fresh herby pesto, salmonwith yoghurt pesto, poached salmon, salmon in herby plaice parcels,vanilla mousse, grilled plaice. All good except the precursor to thevanilla mousse which was inedible, due, I think to some dodgy limeoil that had been loitering in my cupboard for far too long. Anyway,no idea why I was being so hyper again.

Am completely shattered now.

So food has been not good today asalthough I have stuck to PP, I feel I've had too much dairy andwaaaay too much sweetener. Funny how my body was craving sugar andto be honest, I think it kept craving it because it knew I was onlyconning it with the fake stuff. Clever thing, bodies.

B: 3 chocolate muffins over course ofmorning, small semi-skimmed flat white
L: small cup fake Thai soup, 100gmarinated fish kebabs, 1 veggie sausage
S: 100g WW FF strawberry yoghurt mixedwith 100g quark then frozen, 1 veggie sausage, 100g veggie sausage'quiche'
D: picked at what I was cooking soapprox 50g poached salmon, 2 tbsp quark, , 8 seafood sticks withwasabi, 2 tbsp vanilla mousse and a fake mojito. That's all I canremember as was licking spoons and tasting things the whole time.

Exercise: 70 minutes walking, 10seconds falling down a hatch.
WW pro points: 31

Definitely expect to put on weighttomorrow because felt like I was nibbling all evening. That's okthough because I am so pleased with myself that I didn't use thefright as an excuse to eat sugary crap when that's what I was cravingand what other people were telling me to have. Also managed to keepto a PP day, even if dairy was maybe a bit high. To be honest, ifthis had happened after Saturday, which marks the end of my first 4weeks, I think I would have let myself have something sweet. Butthere was just no way I was going to get this near to 4 weeks andthen give up the day before reaching it. Saying that, if I hadn'tforced myself to make those muffins late last night it may have beena different story - they really did the job of filling the sweetcarby gap.

Sorry for uber-long post. Think Imaybe just wanted to get it out of my system.


PS Photo of my arm after it'd beencleaned up, sorry if it's too gruesome - look away now if you're squeamish..... You don't actually see theworst cuts which are just under the fingers of my left hand. Myright hand is unscathed as I was still holding my umbrella, not usingit to try and stop myself falling.

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Joodle that's terrible. I hope you are feeling better, sweet pea.

Huge congratulations on staying Dukan strong though!!

P xxx
popcorn!!!!! are we allowed it. LOL, used to have a popcorn machine that made it by blowing hot air.
popcorn!!!!! are we allowed it. LOL, used to have a popcorn machine that made it by blowing hot air. corn allowed I'm afraid but Joodle suggested using it on things like butternut squash 'crisps' etc.
Ah I see, thought I was missing something then, LOL.
Oh no! Don't make me be responsible for an explosion of illicit popcorn eating on this forum!! I like the look of those homemade mixes Trini Maria (god, I love saying Trini Maria, too bad British Jude doesn't sound more lyrical...) but yeah, a ton of salt. I think the ones I have contain a fair bit of salt but you only use a tad and it doesn't taste too bad.

I'm loving all this experimenting you know. Before Dukan I very, very rarely cooked fish - was a bit scared of it I think. Now I've realised how tasty it is grilled and poached and baked in foil. It's a whole new world out there!