Morning all, my baby DD has the dreaded vomiting this morning bless her

She woke up with the bloomin thing, really bad timing too as I have my DD sports day this morning and DS this pm, so really really hoping for rain so they are postponed, I really hate missing anything they do like that, they love you being there

Luckily it seems a fairly minor bug that seems to consist of a couple of bouts of vomiting, lots of sleeping then its over, so lets hope its no worse for her.
Lost all my weekend gain after my DD yesteday which really seems like magic to me, the last 3 weeks I have been daily weighing has been exactly the same, whatever I gain over my very UP weekend is wiped out after mons DD !!!
This week so far
Sat 12 9lbs official weigh in
Sun 12 13 gain of 4lbs after very UP
Mon 13 gain of 1lb after UP
Tues 12 9lbs loss of 5lbs after DD
UP today not sure what I am going to have, have a good day all, will catch up on Diaries later when I get a chance x