bajoleth said:Dear is old fashioned isn't it, which is strange when its a modern abreviation ???
MinnieMel said:Maybe we're supposed to spell it deer - because we want to shoot them sometimes?
bettiesrevenge said:Amen to that Ruth!
My daughter has been poorly too. Nightmare. I also share the love of carpet shampooing! Got any tips on stain removal particularly an unforgiving CD chocolate shake stain.... Oopps!
bajoleth said:Morning all, DD is better now my DS is ill, OH had been home from work all of 5 mins, my son (10) came in to the lounge said he didn't feel well and promptly vomited all over the floor twice, well and truly fed up of it now, guaranteed my eldest next then me and OH at the weekend when we were supposed to be going out
Anyway DD today as to what I have will depend on what I feel like, hope you all have a good day x
This week so far
Sat 12 9lbs official weigh in
Sun 12 13 gain of 4lbs after very UP
Mon 13 gain of 1lb after UP
Tues 12 9lbs loss of 5lbs after DD
Weds 12 11 gain of 2lbs after UP
bajoleth said:Thanks all, just my eldest, me and OH left anyone want to take bets on who is nextAnyway had a really good DD today, approx 150 cals, havent drunk all my milk allowance today but had a couple of spoonfuls of gravy as I made the kids toad in the hole for tea and needed to taste the gravy I made?? Not sure how I could have avoided that one? It was yummy though.
Fizzy, how are your weights differing from mine? I find this daily weighing fascinating, never ever thought I would hear myself saying that !!!