It would be fab for a wedding, its the new season collection just out this week so its not a summer dress, it would be lovely with a black Jacket, cardi or pashmina, easy to accesorise too, I think it look loads more expensive than the price too xWow that dress is lovely. Buy it! I have a wedding to go to in October, I wonder if I could get away with that dress for the wedding?
And yes, get it in a size smaller. Hang it on your wardrobe door where you can see it everyday as your motivation.
Have you bought from the company before. Does their stuff tend to come up large or small size wise?
I love my slimming underwear , I think I would wear it if I were a size 10, it smooths all those lumps and bumps, I have a fulll body one I love itHang it in a bag in the kitchen - where you will see it when you follow the rule: ONLY EAT AT THE TABLE! Size smaller and magic knickers (spanx).
Morning all, sorry I didn't get the chance to catch up on all your diaries last night my signal kept cutting out and I gave up in the end, will try to catch up when I get back from the school later x Really really annoyed with myself today, kne this week was looking like a STS not too bothered as long as its not a gain but instead of trying to rein myself in on my UP days what do I do? I blinkin sabotage myselfI actually had fairly healthy meal choices on my UP day yesterday but then ate my weight in bread !! I had wholemeal toast for breakfast a couple of slice swith my lunchtime soup then come Tea time I ended up making didfferent meals for everyone (lots of reasons) so ended up finishing off a Garlic bread stick, pizza crusts, white crusty bread with my own tea, it was terrible. So I gained 3 lbs and am now likely looking at a gain tyhis week, need to lose 3lbs ovenight for a sts which I know is doable but its also likely I will have a gain, I don't know why I did it I am a saint on my DD s and only have Milk allowance but UP days I have no willpower at all, feel free to give me a stern talking to !!
Daily weights this week
sat 12 8lbs official weight
sun 12 12lbs gain 4lbs after UP
Mon 12 12lbs STS after UP
Tues 12 9lbs loss 3lbs after DD (I have always lost weekend gain after mons DD so could be looking at a sts this week?)
Weds 12 11lbs 2lbs gain after UP
Thurs 12 8lbs 3lb loss after DD (Thurs weight is usually the same as my sat official weight so looking like a STS?)
Fri 12 11lbs 3lb gain after UP (probably looking at a Gain now after my UP UP and away day !!)
Please do not be offended by my question:
Did either one of you read Dr Johnson's Alternate Day Diet Book?
Although, he writes early on that "initially" he ate whatever he wanted on UP Days that he realized that having lots of carbs, especially processed ones made him have cravings, struggle on Down Days, etc. He recommends HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES on UP Days. You are only going to get your nutritional requirements on that one day... So your calories need to count.
Use MyFitnessPal to track your nutritional intake.
I actually enter food to plan menus and swap things out to get a better result. I am trying for maximum protein, lower carbs and ATM lower calories.
Then when I "Alternate Day Diet" starting next week - my down day calories will be the "most bang for the buck" -- and my UP Day will be chosen (primarily) to make up for nutritional deficits.
I will still get the psychological benefit on a Down Day of knowing that "I could" have a little treat on the next day, but the key is "little" -- you do not want to be undoing your Down Day efforts.
Yes, you still get the metabolic boost from the alternate high/low intake... But what about long-term health and nutrition. Your body still needs vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, etc. A Balanced Diet!
I also take supplements - sorry for the mini- rant. I am reading through Dr Johnson's book and it is a bit convoluted, but there is some valuable information that might not be on the website. The website is just an overview IMHO.