bajoleth said:Aww thanks Ruth, you can see how boring my DD menus are compared to yours now ha ha.Seriously though I love this way of eating it suits me perfectly , I would love to see this part of Minimins buzzingI really hope you enjoy Juddd and that it works for you x
bajoleth said:Thats the spirit, You sound like you are all organised so you should do great. Are you going to start a diary here, I really finds it helps to keep me focused on my DD's ?
bajoleth said:Diaries are really good for helping you keep on trackIts an intermediate day for me today as I have had to mess my days up this week, I am usually DD on Mon, Wed and Fri then 2 UPs on the weekend but this week we were going to the beach and BBQ on fri so had UP days Fri and Sat instead, didn't want to do a DD today as I want to get back into my normal routine this week so its an intermediate (aiming for 1200). Not sure what chopping and changing will do to any loss next week , never had to change days before but as long as I am good on my DD's this week hopefully I should be OK.
Not sure what to have for tea actually' might just have a nice cghicken salad?
bajoleth said:No I always weigh on Sat morning, after Fri my last DD of the week. If you are going to alternate and not have 2 UP s like me you will have to alter your weigh in day weekly as you don't want to weigh after and UP day IYSWIM ?
bajoleth said:DD today , feels like I havent had one in ages so ready for it today, kids have another INSET day so won't be able to get into town for supplies but I have Ham and salad leaves so I should be fine, oooh and I have a Solero left unless someone has eaten it ? Really don't know what this weeks weigh in will have in store for me. I have swapped arond UPs and had an intermediate which I have never done before. But if I am super strict with my DD's I am hoping I will be OK, I have steadily lost over the last 5 weeks so I could be due for a STS? I will do my best and see what Sat brings. I think todays menu is going to look like this?
half slice toast/scraping butter 70 cals
Milk allowance 100 cals
ham salad (1 slice ham/salad leaves/salad cream) 100 cals
Solero 90 cals
Yep thats my lot todays total is 360 cals![]()
bajoleth said:I am going to have to get some jelly ! I am strict on my DD's, I have to be because I like to enjoy my UP's probably a little too muchI can't believe Berry Soleros are only 90 cals they are sooooo yummy, going to have to buy some more tomorrow x