Gold Member

16 lost : 51 to goal
Caroline_Louise said:Morning Jo, hope ur well?
Sorry to pester you with an unpleasant question but need the benefit of ur medical advice! Due to a serious pizza indulgance last night I was very very sick (and the other!) so nowt left in me now! Been sipping away at the water but I have boxing at 2pm so need to be in a fit state by then. Its a DD today and befpre the sickness my pre-training food was going to be a piece of toast and pb and a banana which i will still have at 11.30, but would you suggest anything else to replace fluids, salts etc i've lost? Someone said lucozade is a gd idea, particularly as i will be sweating a lot this arvo. I don't want too many cals and I've seen there's a diet one, is this a good idea or will it do me more harm than good? Any advice you can offer is good
And yes I ahve learnt a lesson the hard way, I can no longer eat ten tonnes of pizza! xx
bajoleth said:So sorry I didn't see this earlier Caroline , yes you can get diet lucozade but the best thing to replace lost fluids is something like diaoralyte or similar rehydrating sachets you can get in chemists. Any Chemist will be able to help you , sorry again Caroline x
That's the beauty of JUDDD though, isn't it, Jo? It just fits right in with our lives.
Are you trying for a ID today or just going with the flow? I'm only asking as I'm not sure that I'm going to make Friday's DD and was wondering about trying for an ID today? Never done one on this plan before and not sure I could manage a DD tomorrow following an ID...hmmmm. Definitely know I can't manage 2 DDs in a row though!
Back at you Mel xxxHappy Sunday Jo.
bajoleth said:Well I am very honoured to announce, although I am sure most of you will have noticed, that I have become Juddd s first Mod oooeeerrr. So please be kind to me, I am pretty sure all I will need to do is move threads to the right section as we are a well behaved bunch , so there you go announcement madexx
bajoleth said:Well I am very honoured to announce, although I am sure most of you will have noticed, that I have become Juddd s first Mod oooeeerrr. So please be kind to me, I am pretty sure all I will need to do is move threads to the right section as we are a well behaved bunch , so there you go announcement madexx
bajoleth said:Well I am very honoured to announce, although I am sure most of you will have noticed, that I have become Juddd s first Mod oooeeerrr. So please be kind to me, I am pretty sure all I will need to do is move threads to the right section as we are a well behaved bunch , so there you go announcement madexx