Jo's Juddd diary 2012

Thanks for the advice Jo, that would explain why the ones in the fridge didn't go speckly. My weight has also dropped nicely today after 3 UP days in a row including Tuesdays at around 3500 calories, so now only 1 lb up on last WI, so hoping I will shift that before Saturday.

Have a good day...
Hello all, finding myself silly busy since the kids have gone back to school so much for having a relaxing time after having them home for the last 6 weeks, I love them really lol. Anyway my weight is doing weird things this week , I think the 4 UPs maybe creeping up on me but I should be looking at a STS which is more than I would expect after 4 UPs. Up day today and again not really that hungry, havent had lunch as I completely forgot about making myself anything? Will make up for it later I'm sure. Even though the scalse are not really going down at the moment my body continues to shrink and I am getting loads of comments all of a sudden and I can see it myself. Really pleased to say that I am managing to hold onto my boobs as they are usually 1st to go lol x

Mon 12 4 gain of 3 after 4 UPs !!!
Tues 12 1 loss of 3 after DD (yay already back to official weight despite 4 UPs ):D
weds 12 4 gain of 3 after UP (think my 4 ups may be catching up with me?)
Thurs 12 2 loss of 2 after DD
Lol, when I was 8 stone I had no boobs to speak of used to buy B cups but never filled them :(, I was going to have surgery I was so depressed about them. Obviously the more weight I put on the bigger they got but when I lose weight its usually the 1st place it goes from but I am sooo happy I still have my D cups and am filling them ha ha lol, so I am shallow when it comes to my boobs but I don't care I love them and want to keep them forever pleeeeese:D
Weiged in today and back to 12 4 not my ordinary pattern but then I don't normally have 4 UPs in a row and I think they have def caught up with me , I am also constipated sorry TMI, so have taken something for that so hoping that is accounting for some of the weight, official weigh in tomorrow, don't mind a STS as what can I expect after those UPs but don't want a gain , 12 1 was my last official weight so I am sooo close to the 11 's, maybe next week. But I continue to have NSV s so not downhearted, I tried on a pair of white trousers that I couldn't zip up 2 weeks ago , got them on and zipped up, last night , according to the scales I havent lost weight in the last 2 weeks and yet my body continues to shrink, never experienced this before but I am def not complaining x
Have a good day all, should be around a bit more today as I am not so busy :)

Mon 12 4 gain of 3 after 4 UPs !!!
Tues 12 1 loss of 3 after DD (yay already back to official weight despite 4 UPs )

weds 12 4 gain of 3 after UP (think my 4 ups may be catching up with me?)
Thurs 12 2 loss of 2 after DD
Fri 12 4 gain of 2lbs after UP (my 4 UPs have def caught up with me hoping for a sts tom official weigh in )
Official weigh in this morning and I have STS pleased with that though as the way the week was progressing I was afraid that I had gained, I din't weigh in last week as I was in the middle of having 4 UP days so its probably a loss from what I would have weighed klast sat but I will never know lol. So a STS is ok with me , would love to see the 11 s on the scale soon though. This week is going to be a bit tricky too as we are going to the Fair on Fri (its a travelling fair that has been coming to our little Town for 300 yrs ) lots of food going around the stalls then a Chinese on the way home its a family tradition lol and then its my Niece and Nephews Christening on Sun.
So I Think I am going to do DD s on Weds and Thurs then weigh in Fri, I would do an IM for one of them but can't seem to do them??? DD s no problem IM s just can't ??? I may make Sat a DD I may be able to achieve it knowing that Sun is the Christening ?

So my weigh ins this week
Mon 12 4 gain of 3 after 4 UPs !!!
Tues 12 1 loss of 3 after DD (yay already back to official weight despite 4 UPs ):D
weds 12 4 gain of 3 after UP (think my 4 ups may be catching up with me?)
Thurs 12 2 loss of 2 after DD
Fri 12 4 gain of 2lbs after UP (my 4 UPs have def caught up with me hoping for a sts tom official weigh in )
Sat 12 1 loss of 3lbs after UP Official STS happy with that.

NSV s for the week - I can now fit into a pair of white linen trousers that I couldn't zip up 2 weeks ago, a little snug but on and zipped up , thats despite the scales not showing any downward movement
Whats that saying Pauline, life not a rehearsal ;) On any other diet I would have blown it big time between last week and this but good old Juddd lets us enjoy life whilst tackling our weight , gotta love it x Have a lovely weekend x
bajoleth said:
Whats that saying Pauline, life not a rehearsal ;) On any other diet I would have blown it big time between last week and this but good old Juddd lets us enjoy life whilst tackling our weight , gotta love it x Have a lovely weekend x

I have "Carpe Diem" tattooed on the base of my back - got it after I got my all clear and my first (lol!) divorce came through. It means seize the day and I firmly believe in doing just that :-D

What tattoo should I get for divorce no2 I wonder?? ;-)
Happy Saturday, Jo!

Whoop to the STS and linen zip! The fair sounds fab. Not sure how to advise on IM's because when I was trying up JUDDD that was how all my days seemed to end up. I'm in the process of getting ready o give JUDDD another go. First detox, low carb, then start to alternate.

yoga84 said:
I have "Carpe Diem" tattooed on the base of my back - got it after I got my all clear and my first (lol!) divorce came through. It means seize the day and I firmly believe in doing just that :-D

What tattoo should I get for divorce no2 I wonder?? ;-)


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Whos Tattoo is that Mel? and what does it mean?? xx

Only just getting up as we went to my BIL s 65th party last night, I wasn't going to go as we didn't have a sitter but it ws in his house which is 4 houses up from us and my 16yr old offered and promised to ring if there were any problems, so I went, had a fun time but paying the price now !! Didn't eat any of the food ??? and didn't drink that much but I was very merry , got up at 10.30 and went straight back to bed and only just got up again blurgh OH been rough too but then he deserves it mixing Jack Daniels with Southern Comfort along with a few cans of Strongbow !!!! I am really glad I don't get out very often what a complete waste of a day today is going to be .
Nevermind gonna catch up on here then get uniforms sorted for tomorrow but I really want to go back to bed lol xx
The tattoo was on the Internet -- it says in Latin "Don't let the B*st*rds get you down!"
yoga84 said:
I LOVE it!!!???? I think I may have that next lol!! Xx

I thought you'd appreciate it! ;)
Afternoon all, still feeling rough after sat night , ate a lot of rubbish yesterday not because I was hungry but just because I thought it would make me feel better, weighed in at 12 5 this morning despite feeling very slim ?? Anyway doing 2 DD snow as I am rejigging the week as I need Fri as an UP and I have a christening on Sunday and really wanted to get under 12 for that , dress fits lovely its just a mental thing really as I had aimed to be under 12 so I am going to try really hard to get there and I seem to have been stuck at 12 1 for a few weeks now , so we shall see what the week unfolds,
Todays food will be

milk allowance 150 cals
2 crispbakes with jam 120 cals
Baxters minestrone soup 140 cals
Muller light 80 cals
Total 500 cals

Sat 12 1 official weight STS
Mon 12 5 after 2 UPs

Have a good day all x
Oh yeah, I was just reading through Fizzy's diary..and saw you post about losing real fat (weightloss wise) which I have to say I agree with! I feel lately I am more losing fat than just "weight"
Def, I find it really strange but I am not complaining lol, my weight has more or less sts for the last fortnight yet I tried on a pair of linen trousers that I couldn't zip up 2 weeks ago and got them on and zipped them up, def too much muffin top but I had obviously lost 'bulk' although its not showing on the scales, I know it sounds conceited but I look so much smaller than my weight would suggest, which of course I am super happy with I just wish I could be happy with the scales too, I really shouldn't care but we have been brainwashed to think that its the scales that don't lie, after Juddd I beg to differ x
You don't sound conceited! ;) That's why I have started checking clothes after I weigh because the scales stay & it really depresses me, but I can see my stomach is slimmer & has really gone down and my Trainer always comments on how my waist is getting smaller, my middle is usually the last part I lose! I am definitley changing how I see weight loss, which I think is just as important as losing the weight itself!