Hi, feeling good about getting some lbs off this month, still over half the month left and 3rd day back on track. I actually don’t feel bad about my body like the last time I was in the 13s, I think because of having my mini tummy tuck, my tummy is pretty flat now whereas last time I was this weight, I had the saggy part that I absolutely hated. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been 100% motivated, last time I hated my body and it helped me stay on track, now I’m feeling pretty good, not as good as when I’m at goal though if that makes sense.
I’m disappointed my knee is so painful and stopping exercise. I’ve been doing a bit of exercise sitting down with my arms and can do sit ups so I’ll make sure I do what I can until my knee is better.
little ones had me up at 5am this morning, they were both fast asleep on me by 7am on sofa

I had about an hour, they had 3

they usually sleep much later so I don’t mind the odd early morning.
I’m doing well with intermittent fasting, eating 11-7 and finding that pretty easy. I need to read more about it, I know there’s health benefits and obviously weight loss

but I need to understand it better and see if eating less hours of the day is more beneficial etc. I usually have breakfast within 20 mins of waking up so thought I’d miss it but haven’t so far, in fact it will be easier when kids back at school as will give me more time to get kids sorted and then eat when they’re at school.
Have a good day x x