Journey back to goal

Hi @Jenny_b I got out of the obese range 2 weeks ago (i think, weeks are merging into each other) its such a great feeling and makes you determined not to slip back.
Sure you'll be there in no time now, good luck. Can't be easier being so tired with gorgeous little sleep thiefs!

hey, well done on getting out of the obese range 💪 it’s a good feeling. Before I got pregnant with my youngest I’d been maintaining in the healthy bmi range for around a year, it felt great. Little frustrated I gained so much weight during pregnancy but it’s done now. Hoping for a really good week and to be just overweight next week lol x x
Skylar is growing so fast. :)

New month starts tomorrow let it be the one that see you out of the obese range.:)

yeah she’s growing so well, she’s so strong too, shame they don’t stay small for long.

yes new month, leg feeling almost back to normal so hopefully I’ll do better this month than last.

hope you’re doing well x x
Hi, sorry for lack of updates. It’s mainly because I’ve been feeling frustrated at lack of progress. I’m still the same weight I was 2/3 weeks ago. I’m on plan and pretty much sticking to it but weight isn’t reducing. I’m going to stick with it. Try more exercise and more water. Make sure I stick to syns etc. Fingers crossed scales will move soon. At least I’m not gaining so guess that’s a positive.

x x
Id be happy with a STS now but I understand your frustration.
You got this
On the positive side as Tipperary has said you have stayed the same Jenny:)
Hi, sorry for lack of updates. It’s mainly because I’ve been feeling frustrated at lack of progress. I’m still the same weight I was 2/3 weeks ago. I’m on plan and pretty much sticking to it but weight isn’t reducing. I’m going to stick with it. Try more exercise and more water. Make sure I stick to syns etc. Fingers crossed scales will move soon. At least I’m not gaining so guess that’s a positive.

x x
Its so frustrating when that happens. Hopefully you'll see results soon (maybe all at once)
Thanks ladies. So my frustration turned into a week off plan 🙄 I was sick of the scales not moving and not knowing why, I’m using so many calories breastfeeding Skylar and Kaelan so just confusing.
today is the day I get myself sorted, I don’t feel like weighing, I know it will be a big gain and then I’ll feel worse. I’m just going to get back on plan, exercise and go walking daily and try and look at food as fuel. Maybe I’ll weigh later this week or in a few weeks. I don’t really want to weigh often at the moment as my weight not moving was the thing that made me annoyed and wanted to eat everything in sight. I really don’t want what I weigh to determine how I’m doing as I know if I’m eating healthy food and exercising, then I’m doing good. sts makes me feel like I haven’t done enough even when I have, if that makes sense.

it was my friend next doors birthday yesterday, we had such a good time. Was meant to be just me and her but my husband and kids ending up coming over and both families had a great time in the garden. My friend is also doing sw, we’ve agreed to both start again today and go for a walk together every day. Plan is for 2pm today but my friend was really drunk so not sure how she’ll feel today. I’m still going for a walk regardless. Little ones are still sleeping as we were then until 10pm, usually in bed by 8pm so they are making up for late night.

I’ve got loads of cake and fudge left but I’m not eating it, I have no interest so I’ll see if my husband and kids want it so less temptation. I found this local fudge lady, she makes every flavour imaginable, I ordered rolo, caramel, baileys, kinder bueno and Turkish delight, it was all amazing. I could eat it everyday but would gain so much weight lol.

last week I felt so crap about my weight that I told my husband I’d start another vlcd on milkshakes if I wasn’t breastfeeding. Obviously it wouldn’t be good right now as I’m sure it would lower my milk production and I hate them type of diets anyway. I’ve lost 6 stone before, I only 2 stone off, why is it so hard this time 🙄

feeling pretty good today though and really need to view this journey as the lifestyle I want and not a quick fix. My friend said I should allow 9 months as that’s how long it took to gain the weight. Skylar is only 3 months old so thinking of 2 stone off in 6 months seems very doable. It’s my birthday end of sept, hopefully I’ll be a lot closer to goal by then 🤞 x x
Jenny stop being so hard on yourself while feeding two babies. I know they say breastfeeding causes weight loss but i believe that is only bringing the abdomen back to where it was, not actual weight loss. I know my daughter says she gains weight when breastfeeding as her body thinks it is starvation mode and saves every bit it can.
You are doing great and will get there eventually.
Jenny stop being so hard on yourself while feeding two babies. I know they say breastfeeding causes weight loss but i believe that is only bringing the abdomen back to where it was, not actual weight loss. I know my daughter says she gains weight when breastfeeding as her body thinks it is starvation mode and saves every bit it can.
You are doing great and will get there eventually.

thanks. I’m trying to be a little easier on myself. Breastfeeding burns up to 500 calories a day for 1 baby, Kaelan doesnt feed as much now but should still be burning 750 a day. I’ll get there eventually. I know a few of my friends have gained weight when bf, they said it was due to increased appetite though.

how are you getting on? x x
Can’t believe Skylar is 3 months old already 😱🥰💗


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She is gorgeous and you look amazing
Got this motivational quote and love it. Need to remember it.
almost end of day 2 and I’m so pleased to be back on plan and doing well.
I bought some different flavoured fudge last week, it tastes so good. I’m having one small piece a day, I’d guess it’s around 2/3 syns. I made camp fire stew for dinner and had rice with it for 1 syn so max syns today is 4. Still got healthy extra left so might have a couple of bars later if I’m hungry.

looking forward to day 3. I’m making a mince pasta bake tomorrow, saw the recipe online and it looks yummy.


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Day 2 done. I’m trying to do a 100 day challenge where I stay on plan and exercise everyday. 100 days takes me up to my birthday, it’s a big challenge as I don’t think I’ve ever stayed on plan that long lol.
my daughter decided to be vegan around a year ago as she had bad eczema, she’s been so strict, obviously she’s had to cut so much out of her diet. I need to have some of her attitude towards food.
so hopefully I can be strict and get these 2 stones off 🤞💪
Looking forward to day 3.
2 days down, 98 to go x x
Day 3 of 100 today. I’ve found that I need to plan my food the night before so that I have a firm plan in place. Also planning to try a couple of new recipes every week. Tonight the pasta bake I saw online, tomorrow I’m making stuffed peppers, both look so nice. I’m also making sw rice pudding in the slow cooker later, bonus is that it’s vegan so my daughter can have some.

Already had my healthy breakfast.
Disappointed to wake up to rain this morning, I was planning on going for a walk after breakfast.
Day 3 of 100 today. I’ve found that I need to plan my food the night before so that I have a firm plan in place. Also planning to try a couple of new recipes every week. Tonight the pasta bake I saw online, tomorrow I’m making stuffed peppers, both look so nice. I’m also making sw rice pudding in the slow cooker later, bonus is that it’s vegan so my daughter can have some.

Already had my healthy breakfast.
Disappointed to wake up to rain this morning, I was planning on going for a walk after breakfast.
I'm the same I need a plan otherwise it all goes wrong!