Well done Jenny on getting out of the obese range

You are flying it on OMAD
I will be three weeks tomorrow on OMAD - I do have a coffee or two with double cream as a bridge between meals.
I didn’t know that only 1% of women in the world are breastfeeding exclusively at six months. I introduced a little food slowly at four months, my son refused a bottle and a soother...I have to be honest there were times I found it exhausting both mentally and physically and when he was two and half in the doctors waiting room when he picked up the bottle of milk out of my bag and started drinking from it I got so excited...the faces of the other mothers in the waiting room were priceless but this was a major breakthrough as I never give up trying...otherwise I think he might still be on it.
When I started breastfeeding my biggest worry was will he latch on and then it became how to get him off and my experience was that all the so called experts at the time had nothing practical to offer. The support for mother’s breastfeeding back then 36 years ago was terrible and I was living away from all my family and felt so alone...thankfully things have improved greatly but there still needs a lot more work to be done to encourage and support new mothers...both my granddaughters have been breastfeed with the use of bottle feeding along with soothers.
I’m delighted you get on so well with breastfeeding and I am sure your children will carry on your example when they become parents. I watched my mother breastfeeding my siblings so it never occurred to be not to breastfeed when I had my son.